Heads Up On The Repubs Attempt To Vote On Estrada Tomorrow

The Shrub was going on and on about the Miguel Estrada nomination during his radio address yesterday. (Which I will upload shortly once I’m convinced it’s not already available online.)
We’ll probably need to call our Democrat congress critters tomorrow to show them support for Filibustering the vote on this guy.
It just isn’t right for him to refuse to answer questions by the Senate Judiciary Committee. I’ve got more video from CSPAN a week ago when they were debating this issue, but my guess is there will be a lot of new debate tomorrow over this.
Remember that Bill Frist agreed that no vote can be taken until 5:30 pm on Monday. That means it could be a late night indeed…
That still gives us all day tomorrow to remind congress how much we care about this issue.
It took me less than a minute to call my senator last week and leave a message thanking her for “doing whatever he/she can to oppose the Miguel Estrada nomination.”
These calls are typically tallied. No more than a sentance or two stating how you feel is required. They’re busy too. The people on the phone are always very nice and glad you called, whatever you have to say.
Let’s get in the habit of letting them know how we feel!

One thought on “Heads Up On The Repubs Attempt To Vote On Estrada Tomorrow

  1. Ken J. Paynton

    The facade of the Democratic filibuster on Miguel Estrada will crumble because it is mean spirited and based on a foundation of bias and untruths.
    Miguel Estrada will be going on to glory and perhaps to a date with the Supremes.

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