Having My Mind Blown At The Spectrum Policy Conference

I’ve got eight hours of footage from yesterday’s Spectrum Policy: Property or Commons conference.
There are a few more speakers today.
I don’t know when I’m going to find time to get all of this up before I leave for Austin Friday, but I’ll do my best. More likely, I will create a few “highlight reels.” (Even that will take a while. There were many highlights.)
It was really an incredible group of people that Larry assembled in one room — and it seems like we’re really starting to get somewhere towards where this needs to go…

2 thoughts on “Having My Mind Blown At The Spectrum Policy Conference

  1. Kevin Lynch

    Spectrum policy

    Wireless Spectrum Policy “Spectrum policy is undergoing a fundamental reorientation in the United States and elsewhere. An emerging consensus holds that the traditional system of governmentally-allocated spectrum rights inhibits innovation

  2. Kevin Lynch

    Wireless Spectrum Policy

    “Spectrum policy is undergoing a fundamental reorientation in the United States and elsewhere. An emerging consensus holds that the traditional system of governmentally-allocated spectrum rights inhibits innovation and competition….

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