Hanging Out At Congress.org

Adventures in Hacktivism — Day 1:
1) I type “congress” into Google.
2) Click on the 3rd or 4th thing down (not google’s fault – ambiguous query 🙂
on something that says “Congress.org – Write to Congress, the President and State…”
— cause that’s what I wanna do – write to these guys…
3) I end up on Congress.org – which is not actually a government or non-profit operation, as I initially suspected when I entered the website. It is actually a demonstration website for a product of Capital Advantage, who provides the demo as a “public service”.
That said (that it’s an infotisement — which is a “nice” way of saying “an advertisement that informs”) I’d like to say that it’s a darn useful advertisement, and I look forward to more functional advertisements just like it in the future!
I’ll just be over here checking out voting records (by zipcode) for a while…

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