Good Morning: Remember To Vote Today!

I’m almost finished with my pre-election info coverage. Just a few more clips to go and the rest will be up to you.
Thanks for paying attention. I had 1,600+ people on my site yesterday, and that’s a good day for me, so I guess somebody saw this stuff. Hope it was helpful.
I’m going to finish up the Ammiano interview — just because I’m trying to finish what I start these days. Then I can get to those other clips I promised (Dean on 60 Minutes and on BET and in SF last week, Rummy spouting off the usual rubbish on Meet The Press about his memo), and I also have a special message of faith from the South Park kids about filesharing I can’t wait to get up.
Someone sent me a really important article about scary shit like the reinstatement of the draft that you can bet will get more of my attention in the near future. (Once the dust clears from all this election stuff.)
Soon I’ll need to get my “Agent” attire together for the music video that Ryan Junell is shooting tonight for the Mayhem Mysitcs. As far as I know, he is still looking for other people to be Agents (and Agents w/video cameras), so if you’re interested, shoot me an email and I’ll give you the details. He’s shooting tonight and tomorrow on location here in San Francisco. (
Well I’d better get to work!

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