Good Morning!

A lot going on today. I’m already overwhelmed as usual 🙂
Lots of great stuff going up here today. Shrub a plenty — with a little Ozzy Osbourne thrown in for flavor.
And of course footage from Tuesday and from later today of the
INS Detainee Protests. (Tomorrow’s the big day for nationwide protests at INS Buildings across the country.)
I’ll be adding a letter soon to the site so you can FAX/email/call
Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi.

I’ve decided that if Nancy Pelosi won’t listen to thousands of letters from concerned citizens all across the country over this issue, perhaps no one will.
As the leader of the Democratic Party, it seems like a great issue for Nancy to step up to the plate on.
Also I’ll be launching a new category that I hope will become one of my most popular yet (giggle).
Back soon.

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