Footage From This Morning’s Protest In San Francisco

Here’s what I’ve got so far.
Note that there are “web size”, “email” and “edited email” (small) versions available and also some gif files.
You’ll want to upload the pictures on to your own site so they download quickly in a browser.
Here’s the directory where I’ll be uploading stuff all day:
Market Street Protest Footage – San Francisco – March 20, 2003
Story that goes with this footage:
So I walked from 16th and Valencia over to Market Street (about 8 blocks) and then one block over to where Market meets Haight. The entire intersection (all 5 parts of it) was blocked off and cars were forced to wait at a standstill. The cops appeared to be nowhere in sight. (But apparently they were close by and just monitoring the situation, rather than interfering with it.)
Over about 10 or 15 minutes, the protesters announced that their work at that intersection was done and that they were moving on to Van Ness and Mission.
The protesters moved out of the way and the cops rode in on their motorcycles (2 of them) and a few protesters worked with the cops to get the stuff out of the street and get traffic moving again.
Then a funny thing happened: all of the cars that had been forced to wait honked their horns in support of the protesters!
Okay I’m off to 4th and Market where I guess a different group of protesers have taken things over there.
I’ll be back later this afternoon!

3 thoughts on “Footage From This Morning’s Protest In San Francisco


    Medicinally mediated

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  2. Elayne

    I am looking for photos, and I know that there is a video tape out there somewhere that filmed this.
    The time was 4 o’clock on Thursday the 20th and the place was on market by the payless shoe source.
    The guys who were beaten and arrested were 18, but they looked somewhat younger. A big crowd watched and the rumors flew that they were only 14. We were all yelling at the police about this.
    The situation was that one of them was holding a wooden stick. The police ran up and hit him with his club from behind. His friend went and started yelling in the police officers face and they jabbed him in the ribs with a club. It was a big deal and a lot of people saw.
    They were taken to county where they were held for 4 days on $11,000 bail charged with felonies. If the video is found they will be aquited because these are bullshit charges. Pictures would also be a big help. We were stupid not to get the names and numbers of witnesses, but we thought that they were just going to be taken to the detention center.
    Thanks a lot,

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