Foo Camp Movies and Interviews On The Way

So I just got back from O’Reilly’s Foo Camp yesterday and will be posting a bunch o’ stuff early in the AM.
The first movie is titled “
Concentrated Foo
” — and encapsulates the spirit of the conference in many ways. The film is unedited and shot entirely in sequence.
Foo Attendees: This film must not be confused with the footage of the “Wandercam” — a handheld that was roaming around the conference on its own from 9am on Saturday morning on. I myself have not looked at this footage yet, though I have digitized it.
That’s tomorrow’s little task 🙂
More on the Wandercam soon…
I’ve also created an
A-Z page
for both my little foo movies and the interviews themselves within the movies, so we can keep track of them all. I’d hate for any of it to be “lost” because I had forgotten to link to it. So I’m linking to it from there first, and then if I have time I’ll link to stuff from here too.
Yeah all the above stuff I mention will be linked to in the am. Plus three movies from the “making of the RetarDEAD theme” video I shot in Seattle last weekend.
But now I gotta catch some zzzz. Lotsa great stuff I tell ya. I just can’t believe how great some of it came out.
But I’m a sentimental fool…
Back soon,

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