Estrada Debate Going On Right Now On CSPAN

Yeah, I’m recording it….Don’t worry…And on VHS because my TiVOs so full these days. (How quaintly retro.)
Right now Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia) is really hamming it up about Estrada being Hispanic, and working his way up from nothing as an immigrant, etc. “We think you’ve come far from a lowly background…and he’s taken advantage of the opportunities that have been given to you….”
Anyway, tune in for yourself if you’re interested…

2 thoughts on “Estrada Debate Going On Right Now On CSPAN

  1. moira

    Just flipped it on – Max Baucus (D-Montana) is up, doing a fine, if rambly, job of putting the focus on accountability and the fact that no one knows anything about Estrada. I haven’t heard anyone counter the Republicans’ argument that Estrada should be appointed because, among other things, he’s Hispanic. I wonder if anyone will take that on and call the GOP on their hypocrisy.

  2. moira

    I spoke too soon. Sen. Kennedy is up, and addressing the fact that Estrada does not appreciate the ‘minority experience’ and that he failed to get key endorsements from Latino groups.

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