Enjoy The Police State! – Current Events From The Daily Show

Usually I’m using Daily Show Clips to help teach history lessons. This time it’s a fun lesson in current events.

This one’s only funny cuz it’s true — making it a little less funny perhaps after you think about it for a second…

I’ve made the video available in high, medium and low resolutions, along with an MP3 of the audio (5 MB).

So You’re Living In A Police State – 46 MB
So You’re Living In A Police State – 35 MB
So You’re Living In A Police State – 22 MB
MP3 – So You’re Living In A Police State – 5 MB

4 thoughts on “Enjoy The Police State! – Current Events From The Daily Show

  1. Ewan Grantham

    Well, that was certainly an interesting look at things. I have to admit the new way to find keys almost looked useful.
    But I have to wonder why they would think that the coffin wouldn’t have a camera also to do a better job of spying on mourners and keeping track of what goes on in the graveyard.
    Planning my visit to the Happy Clown…

  2. akb

    archive.org lets you host Daily Show clips? Aren’t there copyright issues that would place them at legal risk? Or do you think its a fair use?

  3. Meli

    I have been thinking about that clip ever since they first aired it and wishing there was some kind of archive of their brilliance. Thank you so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

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