13 thoughts on “End Of The World Cartoon

  1. bill gates

    your site is dumb you suck you are a shame to the internet you should destory this website
    Bill Gate
    P.S. if you don’t destory this site i will get al gore to cancel it

  2. stephanie

    hey, ur website is ok. u should make it more colorful. the end of the world thing is funny though!!

  3. Nell

    WHAT HAPPENED TO THE END OF THE WORLD CARTOON!!! It is missing from the web page, it just says, “Error.”

  4. Jim

    what happened to the end of the world cartoon?!?!? I loved it…it was a good laugh. is there anyway I can get it again?

  5. Melissa

    What happened to the end of the world cartoon? It was by far my fave! BRING IT BACK!!!

  6. Melissa

    What happened to the end of the world cartoon? It was by far my fave! BRING IT BACK!!!

  7. ur mom

    WTF, mate! what happened to the end of the world catoon. it was awsome! im so sad.

  8. Claire

    I’m so sad! Whenever I’m bummed out I watch the end of the world cartoon – it’s always sure to make me laugh. I WANT IT BACK!!

  9. me

    Yes, the end of the world cartoon is GREAT…ummm, except the part where the animators drew the Japanese flag instead of the Chinese one! (In the scene where they are in the hot tub.) Yikes!

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