ElcomSoft: Jury Still Deliberating

I just wanted to make sure everybody knew that the Jury is still deliberating and they are scheduled to re-examine Dmitry Sklyarov’s video testimony on Tuesday. (I read this in a Wired News article over the weekend, and then confirmed this via email with Judy Trummer, ElcomSoft’s PR person.)
I’m about to post the first in a two or three part segment of my account of Alexander Katalov’s testimony, which I hope to complete by this afternoon.
Then I still have my notes from the RegNow! employee witness to type up, and finally, my synopsis of the Final Arguments.
It’s like a little race for me to finish before the Jury gives their verdict. Lucky for me, it’s a very complex case, and it looks like we have a conscienscious Jury that’s willing to take the time to make the right decision. (They don’t seem to be making any hasty decisions anyway.)
Back in a flash!

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