Does It Really Prove Anything?

I went to sleep last night and woke up this morning thinking the same thoughts:
Never in a million years would I have ever predicted that I would be living in a world where I feel the need to take photographs inside of a Starbucks store in an attempt to somehow prove that I am still living in a free society.
Yes, the absurdity of it all does kick me in the teeth sometimes. Thanks for asking.

4 thoughts on “Does It Really Prove Anything?

  1. Mark

    Lisa, thanks for a great post. This really is right on. Think about it, this is a free country, except when you work for a corporation, in which you check in your brain for 8 or more hours and then ask for it back at the end of the day.

  2. A Joshua Tree In Every Pot

    Starbucks followup

    Lisa Rein puts this way more eloquently than me when she says: I went to sleep last night and woke up this morning thinking the same thoughts: Never in a million years would I have ever predicted that I would…

  3. Chris

    “Think about it, this is a free country, except when you work for a corporation, in which you check in your brain for 8 or more hours and then ask for it back at the end of the day.”
    The fact that you don’t like your job doesn’t even begin to demonstrate that the society you live in is not free.
    But hey, let’s all rail on the businesses which provide us with the jobs we hate, but so clearly WANT. How dare they employ us.

  4. FluxRostrum

    I applaud your efforts immensely; however it does appear that you still frequent Starbucks…. ?
    Howa bout’ a starbucks photo holding a cup of complimentary water.
    Stop giving them your money.

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