DJ Spooky At The Creative Commons Launch

Here is DJ Spooky’s presentation at the Creative Commons Launch last Monday night.
I know these are big files guys, but I’ll be posting some lower-quality versions a little later today. (These are up now on my index at:
(DV experts — please email me directly at with suggestions about how to compress these files smaller — I’m committed to perfecting my technique for this stuff!)
I’ll be releasing an MP3 of the music too (from the Birth of a Nation Remix). — And yes, Paul Miller (DJ Spooky) gave me his permission to redistribute all of this stuff into the public domain, so no worries there!
So remember – don’t try to play these in your browser — right click (pd) or click and hold (mac) to download these files to your hard drive and play them from there.

First part of DJ Spooky’s Presentation
Second part of DJ Spooky’s Presentation
Birth of a Nation Remix w/ DJ Spooky talk afterwards

DJ Spooky Holding Up The “AdBusters” Flag

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