Did MSNBC Misreport Or Instigate Today’s Violence Against Protesters In West Oakland?

Not only did MSNBC mischaracterize the nature of this morning’s protest at the Port of Oakland,
but the website than swapped the original article for an updated (pre-prepared?) version of the
article that ran this morning at the same URL.
Luckily, I had the old article open in a window from last night. (I’ll get some screen grabs and try to grab the HTML too.)
Update: 2:40 pm – My browser crashed when I was trying to get the HTML from the cached page to work. Luckily, I had already taken some screen grabs, which I have uploaded here (1-4).
From Direct Action To Stop The War website:

ARREST This is not a civil disobedience action; although we are taking direct action our goal is to maintain the picket line not to get arrested.

Here’s what was at the below URL Sunday, April 6 around 8-9 pm:
Protesters plan to stop war shipments Antiwar group seeks to shut port of Oakland with picket line By Tom Curry MSNBC April 3

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