7 thoughts on “Dick Cheney On Meet the Press – Subject: Misleading, Inaccurate Estimates For How Much The War Will Cost

  1. russ

    How so very sad for this blogger…
    Its apparent that her reading skills are not up to it…
    BTW there is nothing incomplete about the Meet the Press transcripts unless you are a leftie/liberal parasite with a very tenuous grip on reality…

  2. russ

    How so very sad for this blogger…
    Its apparent that her reading skills are not up to it…
    BTW there is nothing incomplete about the Meet the Press transcripts unless you are a leftie/liberal parasite with a very tenuous grip on reality…

  3. russ

    How so very sad for this blogger…
    Its apparent that her reading skills are not up to it…
    BTW there is nothing incomplete about the Meet the Press transcripts unless you are a leftie/liberal parasite with a very tenuous grip on reality…

  4. russ

    How so very sad for this blogger…
    Its apparent that her reading skills are not up to it…
    BTW there is nothing incomplete about the Meet the Press transcripts unless you are a leftie/liberal parasite with a very tenuous grip on reality…

  5. russ

    How so very sad for this blogger…
    Its apparent that her reading skills are not up to it…
    BTW there is nothing incomplete about the Meet the Press transcripts unless you are a leftie/liberal parasite with a very tenuous grip on reality…

  6. russ

    How so very sad for this blogger…
    Its apparent that her reading skills are not up to it…
    BTW there is nothing incomplete about the Meet the Press transcripts unless you are a leftie/liberal parasite with a very tenuous grip on reality…

  7. russ

    How so very sad for this blogger…
    Its apparent that her reading skills are not up to it…
    BTW there is nothing incomplete about the Meet the Press transcripts unless you are a leftie/liberal parasite with a very tenuous grip on reality…

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