Day After/Day Of Adventures – Parts 1-2 of ?

Note: This set of video clips does not contain the ones from my earlier posts here and here.
Note that the hi-resolution clips might not have uploaded yet till about an hour after this post. (I’m having tech difficulties and it could be longer.)
This is footage of people getting arrested and the people around me yelling at the cops. Note: Just to clarify… I myself am not yelling at the cops.
In general, as a personal decision, I choose to not yell at the cops.
(Call me conservative 🙂
It would also screw up my video footage if I yelled while I was filming.
Part 1 of ? – March 20, 2003 (Small – 8 MB)
Part 1 of ? – March 20, 2003 (Hi-Res 69 MB)

Part 2 of ? – March 20, 2003 (Small – 8 MB)
Part 2 of ? – March 20, 2003 (Hi-Res – 79 MB)

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