Dan Gillmour: Four More Years

Dan Gillmour has written his usual classy piece on what another four years of the Shrub will mean for this country.
Except for his agreement that Kerry should have conceded in the beginning of the piece, it’s a great one.

Four More Years

The Republicans have an even stronger congressional majority. They have shown how gladly ruthless they can be in using their power. Bush and his allies have never believed in compromise. They have even less incentive to govern from the middle now, even though the nation remains bitterly divided.
There’s no secret about what’s coming. We don’t have that excuse this time.
Here comes more fiscal recklessness — as we widen the chasm between the ultra-wealthy and everyone else, cementing a plutocracy into our national fiber, we’ll pay our national bills on the Treasury Bill credit card for the next few years. Many economists expect a Brazil-like financial crisis to hit the U.S. before the end of the decade. If we muddle our way though the near term, we’ll still have left our kids with the bill.
Here comes an expansion of the American empire abroad, a fueling of fear and loathing elsewhere on the globe. This is also unsustainable in the end. Empire breeds disrespect.
Our civil liberties will shrink drastically. This president and his top allies in Congress fully support just one amendment in the Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms. Say goodbye to abortion rights in most states. Roe v. Wade will fall after this president pushes three or four Scalia and Thomas legal clones onto the Supreme Court. Say hello, meanwhile, to a much more intrusive blending of church and state.
The environment? We’ll be nostalgic for Ronald Reagan’s time in office.
This is not sour grapes. This is reality.
I hope, but doubt, that the Democrats re-discover enough of their collective spine to block the most extreme moves. If they do it’ll be a change for a party that stands for so little these days.
People say there are two Americas. I think there are at least three.
One is Bush’s America: an amalgam of the extreme Christian “conservatives,” corporate interests and the builders of the burgeoning national-security state.
Another is the Democratic “left”: wedded to the old, discredited politics in a time that demands creative thinking.
I suspect there’s a third America: members of an increasingly radical middle that will become more obvious in the next few years, tolerant of those who are different and aware that the big problems of our times are being ignored — or made worse — by those in power today.
That third America needs a candidate. Or, maybe, a new party.

Here is the complete article in case the link goes bad to:
November 03, 2004
Four More Years

2 thoughts on “Dan Gillmour: Four More Years

  1. NotSour Grapes

    “Kerry lost because he’s just another bourgeois with nothing to offer the vast majority of people in the USA.”
    A comment I’ve heard often today.
    I disagree. Kerry lost because his message was not well-delivered compared to Bush’s campaign. The Bush administration executed far better than they we the Iraq war. They knew how to stay on message, and to tailor their message to fit in with what people wanted to hear. And because of this, Kerry lost.

  2. justin

    Kerry lost because he gave up before all the votes were counted. Consider this: Have you ever heard Kerry mention ‘paper ballot’ or ‘paper trail’ ? Why did he quit with bush leading by 135,000 votes and 250,000 still to count?
    obviously most of the provisional ballots are for kerry because it was the repubs challenging minority voters, forcing them to use provisional ballots.
    Why did kerry give up so easy when we know bush is a madman? skull and bones- not just a conspiracy theory- it’s for real like we’ve been trying to tell America for months. It was all a setup.
    re: lisa’s comment
    “These are the optical voting systems that need to replace the electronic voting machines that are currently in use throughout the country.”
    unfortunately this is not true. at least there’s a paper trail yes, but these machines use a modem to phone in the results to the central tabulator. This leaves the cen. tabulating computer wide open to fraud… there are 1 million programmers that can see the idiocy in this setup, yet kerry, edwards and all the other dems don’t care to challenge it?
    see blackboxvoting dot ORG for more info on how we can expose this scam and save our country.

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