Daily Show On U.S. Self-Censorship Trend

(Note: Yeah okay, I’ve just changed this from “censorship” to “self-censorship”, per the comment below. It was self-censorship to begin with. Sorry ’bout that.–lr)
Since when does “Peace” become a political statement.
Is there a flip side to “peace.” A time and a place for “peace” now?
Jon mourns accordingly on the Daily Show.
Daily Show On Self-Censorship 4/1/03 (Small – 6 MB)
Daily Show On Self-Censorship 4/1/03 (Hi-res – 78 MB)



The Daily Show — the best news on television.

2 thoughts on “Daily Show On U.S. Self-Censorship Trend

  1. z

    we should be cautious of using the word “censor” or “censorship” to refer to actions of or between private parties. in the proper sense the term should only be used to refer to government actions against civilians. the freedom of speech granted to us (mercifully) by the bill of rights prohibits government restrictions on our speech. it does not mandate that we all share each other’s private property and goods for the purpose of voicing opposing viewpoints.
    big difference.
    accordingly, what happened with this movie poster and madonna’s cancellation of her war video, e.g., should be referred to as hypersensitivity, or fear, or due discretion–whatever,–anything but “censorship” because the government is not involved.
    btw, thanks for all the cool video clips, lisa. don’t you have another “little scene” in monsturd where you are interrogated by police?

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