Daily Show On Torture Of Iraqi Prisoners By U.S. Military

This is from the May 6, 2004 program.
Update 05/11/04: new links that work!
Jon clarifies for us, among other things, that this isn’t “abuse” as Rummy and CNN like to call it:
“This is fucking torture.”
(Can you say “electrofied genitals?” I knew you could.)
He also clarifies that, despite all the headlines last week saying “President Bush Apologizes,” he actually did no such thing. He let his press flak do it for him.

Daily Show – Giant Messopotamia
(Small – 10 MB)
Rob Courddry also gives us follow up commentary:

Rob Courddry On The US Torture Of Iraqi Prisoners

(Small – 5 MB)

The Daily Show
(The best news on television.)

13 thoughts on “Daily Show On Torture Of Iraqi Prisoners By U.S. Military

  1. Bob Perdriau

    Hi Lisa,
    For some reason the links you posted today to The Daily Show do not work. I get a “Not found on this server message”. Just FYI, but I surely would love to see those clips.

  2. I Love Everything

    The Daily Show

    Lisa Rein’s Radar has choice video clips from the show up on the web. Like Milo said, the past couple of weeks have been just amazing. The McCain interview last night was terrific.

  3. Bill

    One sure way to not have this problem occur again is to do way a number of units were ordered not to do during the D-Day invasion. Take no prisoners. End of story. Lets see, alive but tortured/abused or dead. Which one would you choose? Not asking anyone specificaly, but in general. It is a point to ponder.

  4. Kevin Woodman

    This is both the saddest and funniest web site I have ever seen. Amazing how you can distort things to make them what you want. Lisa’s writings are good for a chuckle at least!

  5. Kevin Woodman

    This is both the saddest and funniest web site I have ever seen. Amazing how you can distort things to make them what you want. Lisa’s writings are good for a chuckle at least!

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