Daily Show On Last Week’s Democratic Presidential Candidate Debate

I do have this debate in the kitty, by the way. It’s all captured and everything, I just have to generate the quicktime movies from it.
This is from the September 9, 2003 program.
Jon shows no mercy, but, of course, Howard Dean comes out ahead of the pack.

Daily Show On The Democrat Debate
(Small – 13 MB)

The Daily Show
(The best news on television.)

2 thoughts on “Daily Show On Last Week’s Democratic Presidential Candidate Debate

  1. kwc blog

    Celebrity Look-alikes

    09-10-03.Gollum and Lieberman-1.jpg 09-10-03.Gollum and Lieberman-2.jpg The Daily Show had a hilarious segment on last night showcasing the latest debate for the Democrat Presidential candidates. The debate was quasi-bilingual, as the questions were fi…

  2. kwc blog

    Celebrity Look-alikes

    09-10-03.Gollum and Lieberman-1.jpg 09-10-03.Gollum and Lieberman-2.jpg The Daily Show had a hilarious segment on last night showcasing the latest debate for the Democrat Presidential candidates. The debate was quasi-bilingual, as the questions were fi…

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