Daily Show On Geraldo Getting In Trouble With His Protectorates In Iraq

Wow. This is classic stuff.
In the U.S., some of the best “real news” on TV comes with comedy afterwards.
Just to clarify: yes, he has been asked to leave (all official-like), and, no, he is not leaving.
Part 1 is the headlines report by Jon. Part 2 is a special report by Stephen Colbert on the subject where he does a take off on what got Geraldo fired.
Daily Show On Geraldo’s Getting Booted Out of Iraq Part 1 of 2 (Small – 8 MB)
Daily Show On Geraldo’s Getting Booted Out of Iraq Part 2 of 2 (Small – 7 MB)
Daily Show On Geraldo’s Getting Booted Out of Iraq Part 1 of 2 (Hi-res 102 MB)
Daily Show On Geraldo’s Getting Booted Out of Iraq Part 2 of 2 (Hi-res 95 MB)

The Daily Show — the best news on television.

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