Daily Show News Piece On The Iraq Halliburton Contract

The Daily Show is turning out to be a vital source of news and information during this war.
Jon and the gang are gracious as always as they connect the frightening, depressing dots. (Note: here’s an update on some developments in this situation since this clip was originally posted.)
Daily Show On Halliburton Contract (Small 9 MB)

Little Halliburton Movie (Hi-res 8 MB)

30 thoughts on “Daily Show News Piece On The Iraq Halliburton Contract

  1. Burwood McFarland

    Yes, thanks Lisa. I saw this and have been quoting it to my friends for the past two days. Now I can let them see it for themselves.

  2. vivek

    Comedy Central has a high-res version on their servers (so you can save your bandwidth), in realvideo format.
    Man, I wish I had stayed up for this last night.

  3. Dan Dickinson: The Primary Vivid Weblog

    Ari Fleischer, Comedic Genius

    So we were just debating the Haliburton thing – which Jon Stewart described as “I feel like the government just took a shit on my chest.” – briefly on 8bop, and I went digging for some information, and pulled up a press conference transcript from Tuesd…

  4. CSP

    Hey idiot, get your facts straight. That’s the problem with you f’in liberals, you defeat yourselves with made-up facts made for an ignorant liberal public. There’s plenty of legitimate facts around to bash the administration, try addressing them.
    Top Contributors
    MBNA Corp $240,675
    Vinson & Elkins $202,850
    Credit Suisse First Boston $191,400
    Ernst & Young $179,949
    Andersen Worldwide $145,650
    Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co $144,900
    Merrill Lynch $132,425
    PricewaterhouseCoopers $127,798
    Baker & Botts $116,121
    Citigroup Inc $114,300
    Goldman Sachs Group $113,999
    Enron Corp $113,800
    Bank of America $112,500
    KPMG LLP $107,744
    Jenkens & Gilchrist $105,450
    Enterprise Rent-A-Car $97,498
    State of Texas $87,254
    American General Corp $84,134
    Deloitte & Touche $81,600
    AXA Financial $79,725

  5. CSP

    Hey idiot, get your facts straight. That’s the problem with you f’in liberals, you defeat yourselves with made-up facts made for an ignorant liberal public. There’s plenty of legitimate facts around to bash the administration, try addressing them.
    Top Contributors
    MBNA Corp $240,675
    Vinson & Elkins $202,850
    Credit Suisse First Boston $191,400
    Ernst & Young $179,949
    Andersen Worldwide $145,650
    Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co $144,900
    Merrill Lynch $132,425
    PricewaterhouseCoopers $127,798
    Baker & Botts $116,121
    Citigroup Inc $114,300
    Goldman Sachs Group $113,999
    Enron Corp $113,800
    Bank of America $112,500
    KPMG LLP $107,744
    Jenkens & Gilchrist $105,450
    Enterprise Rent-A-Car $97,498
    State of Texas $87,254
    American General Corp $84,134
    Deloitte & Touche $81,600
    AXA Financial $79,725

  6. CSP

    Hey idiot, get your facts straight. That’s the problem with you f’in liberals, you defeat yourselves with made-up facts made for an ignorant liberal public. There’s plenty of legitimate facts around to bash the administration, try addressing them.
    Top Contributors
    MBNA Corp $240,675
    Vinson & Elkins $202,850
    Credit Suisse First Boston $191,400
    Ernst & Young $179,949
    Andersen Worldwide $145,650
    Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co $144,900
    Merrill Lynch $132,425
    PricewaterhouseCoopers $127,798
    Baker & Botts $116,121
    Citigroup Inc $114,300
    Goldman Sachs Group $113,999
    Enron Corp $113,800
    Bank of America $112,500
    KPMG LLP $107,744
    Jenkens & Gilchrist $105,450
    Enterprise Rent-A-Car $97,498
    State of Texas $87,254
    American General Corp $84,134
    Deloitte & Touche $81,600
    AXA Financial $79,725

  7. CSP

    Hey idiot, get your facts straight. That’s the problem with you f’in liberals, you defeat yourselves with made-up facts made for an ignorant liberal public. There’s plenty of legitimate facts around to bash the administration, try addressing them.
    Top Contributors
    MBNA Corp $240,675
    Vinson & Elkins $202,850
    Credit Suisse First Boston $191,400
    Ernst & Young $179,949
    Andersen Worldwide $145,650
    Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co $144,900
    Merrill Lynch $132,425
    PricewaterhouseCoopers $127,798
    Baker & Botts $116,121
    Citigroup Inc $114,300
    Goldman Sachs Group $113,999
    Enron Corp $113,800
    Bank of America $112,500
    KPMG LLP $107,744
    Jenkens & Gilchrist $105,450
    Enterprise Rent-A-Car $97,498
    State of Texas $87,254
    American General Corp $84,134
    Deloitte & Touche $81,600
    AXA Financial $79,725

  8. CSP

    Hey idiot, get your facts straight. That’s the problem with you f’in liberals, you defeat yourselves with made-up facts made for an ignorant liberal public. There’s plenty of legitimate facts around to bash the administration, try addressing them.
    Top Contributors
    MBNA Corp $240,675
    Vinson & Elkins $202,850
    Credit Suisse First Boston $191,400
    Ernst & Young $179,949
    Andersen Worldwide $145,650
    Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co $144,900
    Merrill Lynch $132,425
    PricewaterhouseCoopers $127,798
    Baker & Botts $116,121
    Citigroup Inc $114,300
    Goldman Sachs Group $113,999
    Enron Corp $113,800
    Bank of America $112,500
    KPMG LLP $107,744
    Jenkens & Gilchrist $105,450
    Enterprise Rent-A-Car $97,498
    State of Texas $87,254
    American General Corp $84,134
    Deloitte & Touche $81,600
    AXA Financial $79,725

  9. CSP

    Hey idiot, get your facts straight. That’s the problem with you f’in liberals, you defeat yourselves with made-up facts made for an ignorant liberal public. There’s plenty of legitimate facts around to bash the administration, try addressing them.
    Top Contributors
    MBNA Corp $240,675
    Vinson & Elkins $202,850
    Credit Suisse First Boston $191,400
    Ernst & Young $179,949
    Andersen Worldwide $145,650
    Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co $144,900
    Merrill Lynch $132,425
    PricewaterhouseCoopers $127,798
    Baker & Botts $116,121
    Citigroup Inc $114,300
    Goldman Sachs Group $113,999
    Enron Corp $113,800
    Bank of America $112,500
    KPMG LLP $107,744
    Jenkens & Gilchrist $105,450
    Enterprise Rent-A-Car $97,498
    State of Texas $87,254
    American General Corp $84,134
    Deloitte & Touche $81,600
    AXA Financial $79,725

  10. CSP

    Hey idiot, get your facts straight. That’s the problem with you f’in liberals, you defeat yourselves with made-up facts made for an ignorant liberal public. There’s plenty of legitimate facts around to bash the administration, try addressing them.
    Top Contributors
    MBNA Corp $240,675
    Vinson & Elkins $202,850
    Credit Suisse First Boston $191,400
    Ernst & Young $179,949
    Andersen Worldwide $145,650
    Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co $144,900
    Merrill Lynch $132,425
    PricewaterhouseCoopers $127,798
    Baker & Botts $116,121
    Citigroup Inc $114,300
    Goldman Sachs Group $113,999
    Enron Corp $113,800
    Bank of America $112,500
    KPMG LLP $107,744
    Jenkens & Gilchrist $105,450
    Enterprise Rent-A-Car $97,498
    State of Texas $87,254
    American General Corp $84,134
    Deloitte & Touche $81,600
    AXA Financial $79,725

  11. CSP

    Hey idiot, get your facts straight. That’s the problem with you f’in liberals, you defeat yourselves with made-up facts made for an ignorant liberal public. There’s plenty of legitimate facts around to bash the administration, try addressing them.
    Top Contributors
    MBNA Corp $240,675
    Vinson & Elkins $202,850
    Credit Suisse First Boston $191,400
    Ernst & Young $179,949
    Andersen Worldwide $145,650
    Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co $144,900
    Merrill Lynch $132,425
    PricewaterhouseCoopers $127,798
    Baker & Botts $116,121
    Citigroup Inc $114,300
    Goldman Sachs Group $113,999
    Enron Corp $113,800
    Bank of America $112,500
    KPMG LLP $107,744
    Jenkens & Gilchrist $105,450
    Enterprise Rent-A-Car $97,498
    State of Texas $87,254
    American General Corp $84,134
    Deloitte & Touche $81,600
    AXA Financial $79,725

  12. George Bush

    I thought that posting the same message over and over was really convincing. It is very convincing to hear the same message again and again. If a message is not reinforced over and over again, sometimes you just don’t get convinced.

  13. CSP

    Bizz, tough talk on the computer. First, lighten up. It was mentioned that Enron was the number one contributor to the Bush campaign. So all I was pointing out was that that was false. With regard to VP Cheney, the money he’s getting from Haliburton was money that he could’ve taken in a lump sum when he left but chose not to. If he’s violated the law somehow, I’m sure in this day and age, you can rest assured it will catch up with him. And make no mistake about it, I hope anyone convicted of financial wrondoings at Enron or any other business (that think they can screw the public and get away with it) are ass-raped in prison for the rest of their lives. As to the posting of my response numerous times that was unintentional, a problem with my computer. I’m not a computer expert, I’m a fighter pilot in the Air Force. So if you’d like to come down to Houston and discuss this, rather than throwing out the ‘little prick’ on the computer, come on down, I’m at the 111th Fighter Squadron, Ellington Field, Houston (ask for Gunny).

  14. George Bush

    Well, I hope I did not add to the row. Anyway, take a look at Halliburton’s financials – they lost almost a billion $ last year, and might have gone the way of Enron were it not for their fortuitous win in Iraq. I work in the Middle East, and deal with Halliburton, and everyone there has a desperate look on their face – like they are waiting for the cash to roll in before they can take out a mortgage. While I doubt that they went to war to save the company, I think it is at least remotely possible that portfolio exposure to this company in the top ranks helped them win the business. Desperate times call for deperate measures, and hearing this administrationa talk so much about integrity bekons the question: why is this always on your munds, dudes?

  15. George Bush

    Well I am glad that you boys have made up – it is really touching for the rest of us. Now I I have to get back to my War on Common Sense – you see, noone noticed that Halliburton could have gone the way of Enron if it weren’t for their timely win in I-raq. I mean, they lost a billion last year – maybe I should have sent Larry Ellison their way instead…

  16. George Bush

    Well I am glad that you boys have made up – it is really touching for the rest of us. Now I I have to get back to my War on Common Sense – you see, noone noticed that Halliburton could have gone the way of Enron if it weren’t for their timely win in I-raq. I mean, they lost a billion last year – maybe I should have sent Larry Ellison their way instead…

  17. George Bush

    Well I am glad that you boys have made up – it is really touching for the rest of us. Now I I have to get back to my War on Common Sense – you see, noone noticed that Halliburton could have gone the way of Enron if it weren’t for their timely win in I-raq. I mean, they lost a billion last year – maybe I should have sent Larry Ellison their way instead…

  18. George Bush

    Well I am glad that you boys have made up – it is really touching for the rest of us. Now I I have to get back to my War on Common Sense – you see, noone noticed that Halliburton could have gone the way of Enron if it weren’t for their timely win in I-raq. I mean, they lost a billion last year – maybe I should have sent Larry Ellison their way instead…

  19. George Bush

    Well I am glad that you boys have made up – it is really touching for the rest of us. Now I I have to get back to my War on Common Sense – you see, noone noticed that Halliburton could have gone the way of Enron if it weren’t for their timely win in I-raq. I mean, they lost a billion last year – maybe I should have sent Larry Ellison their way instead…

  20. G. Bush

    Well I am glad that you boys have made up – it is really touching for the rest of us. Now I I have to get back to my War on Common Sense – you see, noone noticed that Halliburton could have gone the way of Enron if it weren’t for their timely win in I-raq. I mean, they lost a billion last year – maybe I should have sent Larry Ellison their way instead…

  21. G. Bush

    Well I am glad that you boys have made up – it is really touching for the rest of us. Now I I have to get back to my War on Common Sense – you see, noone noticed that Halliburton could have gone the way of Enron if it weren’t for their timely win in I-raq. I mean, they lost a billion last year – maybe I should have sent Larry Ellison their way instead…

  22. George Bush

    Well, Bizz, go to Yahoo Finance and look at Halliburton’s balance sheet(ticker HAL). Tell me if you see what I see – this company was in a serious financial mess before I gave them I-raq. The real issue is not who gave me money during the campaign, but who is giving me the best ROI now.

  23. George Bush

    By the way, here is the cause of the multiposts you cantankerous bitch.
    Internal Server Error
    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
    Please contact the server administrator, reinla@pair.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

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