So Forbes has a Mention of us in this strange “The Next YouTube” piece it ran.
Careful, when you launch the link, to look for the “stop” link right away, right above the “The Next YouTube” title, or it will start cycling through a bunch of other pages. I’m not sure what effect they’re trying for, but the one they’ve got is definitely as annoying as hell
But nevertheless, of course, nice to see Dabble mentioned in Forbes. And they seem to like us.
Oh yeah – they made Mary a Cal Professor too
the article:
Make Your Own Channel
With user-generated photos and videos pouring out of dozens of me-too sites, smart aggregation tools are an obvious next step: Someone needs to keep track of all this stuff. One such solution is Dabble, lauched by University of California-Berkeley professor Mary Hodder in July. Dabble retrieves videos from users