Conference Tomorrow At Stanford On Public Spectrum Access

Here’s the scoop on the “Broadband and Digital Future- Who is in Control” conference. Wish I could make it.

Access: Broadband and Digital Future- Who is in Control? (4/5/03)
Saturday, April 5, 2003
Stanford University
Jordan Hall in Main Quad building
Palo Alto, California
9:00AM – 6:00PM
Registration Fee – $15-$25
(Sliding scale)
Student $10
(Speakers’ organization for identification only)
9:00 – 9:30 Registration (Morning refreshments)
9:30 – 10:30 Welcome & Introduction
mic Mylen – Free Radio Berkeley
Steve Zeltzer – LaborNet, LaborTech
Walter Johnson – Secretary Treasurer/SF Labor Council
Keynote speakers
Mark Cooper – Consumer Federation of America
Peter B. Collins – Exec. Board/AFTRA
Ken Hamidi –
10:30 – 11:20 Workshops I: (Room # to be announced)
1) Privatization and Municipalization of Telecommunications
Bruce Lusignan- Stanford University
Wes Brain – SEIU 503, Oregon Public Employees Union
2) Privacy, Spying and Censorship
Jeramie Scott – Coalition for Labor Justice, Stanford
Todd Davies – Stanford University
Peter Neumann – CPSR
Jake Appelbaum
11:30 – 12:20 Workshops II: (Room # to be announced)
1) Public Access Cable and Interconnect
Joseph Partansky – Concord Cable Access
Steve Zeltzer – LaborNet, Labor Video Project
David Miles – Skating Place / PPNSF
2) The “Digital Divide” and Discrimination
Art McGee – Project Change/ AntiRacismNet
mic Mylen – Free Radio Berkeley
Raj Jayadev – Silicon Valley DEBUG
12:30 – 1:20 Lunch (sandwiches and drink provided)
Music – Larry Shaw –
1:30 – 2:20 Workshops III: (Room # to be announced)
1) Workers’ Right in the New Technology
Joshua Sperry – CWA 9423
Karin Hart – CWA 9415
Raj Jayadev – Silicon Valley DEBUG
Peter B. Collins – Ex. Board/AFTRA
Carolyn Bowden – IATSE
2) Wireless Networks (Wi-Fi) and Micro Radio
John Parulis –
mic Mylen / Stephen Dunifer – Free Radio Berkeley
Sarah Olsen – SF Liberation Radio
2:30 – 3:20 Workshops IV : (Room # to be announced)
1) Defending Access to Alternative Media
Jeff Pearlstein – Media Alliance
Sarah Olsen – SF Liberation Radio
Steve Zeltzer – LaborNet, Labor Video Project
Ken Hamidi –
2) Global Internet Governance (ICANN, the WSIS, etc.)
Dorothy Kidd – University of San Francisco
Art McGee – Project Change/AntiRacismNet
Peter Neumann – CPSR
Karl Auerbach – ICANN
3) Open Source
Jake Appelbaum –
(More speakers to be announced)
3:30 – 4:20 Workshops V : (Room # to be announced)
1) Cable Internet Access and Regulation
Dorothy Kidd – University of San Francisco
Mark Cooper – Consumer Federation of America
Jeff Pearlstein – Media Alliance
2) Labor Video and a Labor channel
Carl Bryant – NALC 214, Letter Carriers Today
Wes Brain – SEIU 503, Oregon Public Employees Union
John Anderson – Workers Independent News Service (WINS)
4:30 – 6:00 Report Back, Proposals

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