Colin Powell’s Latest Speech To the U.N.

Here is Colin Powell speaking to the U.N. last Friday, March 7, 2003.
More interesting than what Colin Powell is actually saying, which is the same thing he’s been saying — that almost everyone else in the U.N. disputes — that Saddam has nuclear capabilities and hasn’t lived up to the previous U.N. Resolutions, are the reactions of the diplomats surrounding him during his speech. They are frantically writing notes back and forth to each other and making faces in reaction to his words.
I’m working on putting up lower-resolutions of this stuff with iMovie…sorry for the large file sizes.
(Next comes a clip of Russian Foreign Minister, Igor Ivanov — disputing
Colin Powell’s latest allegations about the demands of the last U.N. resolution not being met.)

Audio – Colin Powell at the U.N. (MP3 – 4 MB)
Colin Powell at the U.N. (Hi-res 137 MB)
Colin Powell at the U.N. (Lo-res 21 MB)
Colin Powell at the U.N. (Lo-res 19 MB)
Colin Powell at the U.N. (Lo-res 13 MB)

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