Colin Admits That This Will Be A Long War

“Long War” is doublespeak for “thousands of our soldiers will die and we’ll keep sending more over.”
What happened to killing Saddam within 48 hours and leaving it at that? The story keeps changing and changing…
Even Colin Powell is trying to warn us about this war. As best he can, considering he works for the crazies that are in favor of this war.
Colin Powell. If you’re listening. I have a question for you:
Why don’t you stop this war right now by speaking out against it?
You could stop all the madness right now, by just picking up the telephone, resigning, and telling the world why.
Why not tell the truth you must know better than anyone else? Why show up to the U.N. with smoke and mirrors and a vial of anthrax and a dog and pony show?
(Video of this on the way, of course, courtesy of The Daily Show…of course.)
Powell: Commitment in Iraq Would Be Long

Secretary of State Colin Powell (news – web sites),
on the eve of another faceoff at the United Nations
(news – web sites) over disarming Saddam Hussein
(news – web sites), said Thursday the American
people should be “prepared for a fairly long-term
commitment” in Iraq…
Once those goals are achieved, Powell said, the
U.S. military leader in such a war would take
temporary charge of Iraq. But that person
would give way to a prominent American
or international figure, whose own term
would be limited with an eye toward turning
over the government to the Iraqis themselves,
the secretary of state said.
“We would try to build as much as we can
on the structure that is there,” Powell said.
“The challenge would be to put in place a
representative leadership.”
…His confrontation with officials of those
two countries is set for Friday in New York.
That’s when chief U.N. weapons inspectors
Hans Blix and Mohamed ElBaradei report
on searches that have not turned up what
the Bush administration has characterized
as hundreds of concealed and illicit
biological and chemical weapons…
Meanwhile, a new audio recording by
Osama bin Laden (news – web sites) was
reported Wednesday

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