Clear Channel Protests Going On Around The Country Today

I’ll be at 340 Townsend at 5pm sharp tonight for a rally against Clear Channel.
Look for one in your town. (Here’s one going on in Washington D.C.
Remember to bring your video cameras! I can always store your footage in my library at the Internet Archive if you don’t have the space or bandwidth to do so.
See you there!
WHAT: No More Clear Channels!
Stop the FCC Media Giveaway
WHEN: Thursday, May 29th 2003 5 PM –
(the Thursday before the FCC votes to
dramatically deregulate the media)
WHERE: 340 Townsend Street, San Francisco
The FCC is poised to approve the most dramatic
changes to media ownership regulations in
decades. Leading the charge is FCC Chairman
Michael Powell, Colin Powell’s son, who
essentially declared war on diversity in
media at the same time that his father was
spearheading the war against Iraq.
The Thursday before the June 2 FCC vote,
media activists and concerned citizens will
protest at Clear Channel radio stations
throughout the United States with the
message: No More Clear Channels!
Stop the FCC Media Giveaway!
Clear Channel Communications is the
poster child of everything that’s wrong with
media deregulation.
After the media
deregulation of 1996, Clear Channel gobbled
up hundreds of radio stations throughout
the country and now owns more than 1200
stations nationwide, dominating the audience
share in 100 of 112 major markets. Not only
is the company the world’s largest radio
broadcaster, it’s also the world largest
concert promoter and billboard advertising
firm. Clear Channel promotes a cookie-cutter
style radio that has urban stations
throughout the country seemingly playing the
same seven songs. It shuts out independent
artists and eliminates local programming.
The company also uses its stations to promote
its right-wing political agenda, such as the
pro-war rallies that Clear Channel
has sponsored in numerous cities since
the start of the war against Iraq.
In San Francisco, Clear Channel station
KMEL fired popular public affairs director
Davey D after he invited anti-war
Congresswoman Barbara Lee to speak on
a KMEL public affairs show.
Let’s send a message to the FCC and Congress before
the FCC vote on media deregulation:
Clear Channel/KMEL Office, 340 Townsend Street
San Francisco California
Sponsored By:
Sponsored by Media Alliance, Youth Media Council,
Global Exchange, and others. For more information,
415-255-7296 x263,

4 thoughts on “Clear Channel Protests Going On Around The Country Today

  1. Anthony

    Hey Lisa,
    I always enjoy reading your insightful commentary and rich media clips. Keep up the good work.
    I’m wondering, how did you get a movie library at the Internet Archive?

  2. Lana

    Hi, I am a recording artist on an independent label. Are you also aware that Clear Channel accepts payola to spin music????? That is why you hear the same crap over and over and the little guys with real talent can never get on the airwaves!
    I am with you on this one! Protest!

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