Category Archives: UCLA Police Excessive Force

Playlist of UCLA PD’s Assault On A Student Last Week

This is really what you might want to circulate a bit over the holiday weekend.
A UCLA student was tazered while in handcuffs
This playlist documents the events themselves (a student recorded almost the whole thing on a cell phone) and interviews MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann conducted with a reporter from UCLA’s Daily Bruin and the student’s attorney, Stephen Yagman.
You can see it for yourself, and hear the students get threatened when they ask for the officers’ information.
I’m learning more about these tazers and that they are as lethal as guns or clubs or any other “lethal weapon,” and the various police protocols, state and local laws, and federal civil rights that were violated in the course of these events.
Using a lethal weapon, numerous times, on a restrained civilian (that has already assumed passive resistance by laying down on the floor) is effectively assaulting an unarmed individual.
I think we’re all going to need to know a lot more about the law in these areas, so we can protect ourselves against rogue officers in the future.