Category Archives: Tom Ammiano For Mayor

Why Vote Yes On Prop G?

How I’m voting this Tuesday

This footage is from October 31, 2003.
I took advantage of having access to Tom Ammiano in person Friday to ask him about the other propositions on the ballot. What he said makes sense to me. I hope it will be helpful to you in making your decisions about tomorrow’s elections.
Video clip – Why YES On Prop G (3 MB)
Lisa: What about “G,” the “Rainy Day Fund?”
Tom: “Yeah, I think that’s really good. Of course, it’s mine. But the interesting thing is that you have broad support for it from the business community, from health advocates, from progressives. It’s just a matter of fiscal prudency that doesn’t hurt anybody. When you’re in good times, you take some of that money and put it away, so when you’re in bad times, the “boom bust cycle” or “spend and purge” as we call it, doesn’t mean laying off people, doesn’t mean cutting services, doesn’t mean, gee what about this Sophie’s Choice that we usually have to face with our social services. You take that money that you put away during good times and you withdraw it for the bad times and it’s just a great equalizer. It’s a great budget device. I mean there’s a lot more to having a effective budget for all people, but this is a very significant way to do it. We should have done it years ago. So I’m hoping that it will pass quite handily.”

Why Vote NO On Prop M?

How I’m voting this Tuesday

This footage is from October 31, 2003.
I took advantage of having access to Tom Ammiano in person Friday to ask him about the other propositions on the ballot. What he said makes sense to me. I hope it will be helpful to you in making your decisions about tomorrow’s elections.
Video clip – Why NO On Prop M (2 MB)
Tom Ammiano Says:
“M is bad. M is bad medicine. M is the same one trick pony that Newsom has propelled himself into the public eye with. It’s criminalizing poverty without any solutions to poverty. It just simply sweeps. It’s mean spirited. It’s shallow. There are already laws on the books. And I find that this one note Johnny (Newsom) is getting very very tired. I mean, that should really indicate why he’s unfit to be Mayor of San Francisco.”

Why Vote Yes On Prop K?

How I’m voting this Tuesday

This footage is from October 31, 2003.
I took advantage of having access to Tom Ammiano in person Friday to ask him about the other propositions on the ballot. What he said makes sense to me. I hope it will be helpful to you in making your decisions about tomorrow’s elections.
Video clip – Why Yes On Prop K (1 MB)
Tom Ammiano Says:
“Let’s see, Prop K. That’s a little bump in your sales tax that you’ve been paying for the past 20 years. If you’ve been around long enough. And it really has been helpful to the Muni, to ladder(?) crosswalks, more traffic signs, traffic calming, bicycle paths. You name it. If it deals with transportation, Prop K will take care of it. So I would really urge a strong vote for Prop K.”

Why Vote Yes On Prop J?

How I’m voting this Tuesday

This footage is from October 31, 2003.
I took advantage of having access to Tom Ammiano in person Friday to ask him about the other propositions on the ballot. What he said makes sense to me. I hope it will be helpful to you in making your decisions about tomorrow’s elections.
Video clip – Why Yes On Prop J (3 MB)
Tom Ammiano Says:
“Prop J, you know. I really think it’s unnecessary. I think, for Angela, it was a way to attach herself to a ballot measure so she could get some mileage out of it. It’s an old trick. We all do it from time to time. If it fails, I don’t really see any great consequences for San Francisco, because we already have that political will in and around the homeless — and again, (the bill is) just trying to capitalize on that without really trying to come up with solutions that are verifyable. Like my ability to get six million bucks from the Bush government two weeks ago, so we could have supportive housing and services for the mentally ill and homeless. Now that’s real, and that’s happening as we speak.
(from later in the interview)
Lisa: So getting back to J. Would you say “No”? Or would you say go ahead and pass J?
I’d say go ahead and pass J. It’s not going to hurt anything. I just think that you don’t want to make any empty promises.
Lisa: But it’s not crucial?
Tom: Yeah.

Why Vote Yes On Prop H?

How I’m voting this Tuesday

This footage is from October 31, 2003.
I took advantage of having access to Tom Ammiano in person Friday to ask him about the other propositions on the ballot. What he said makes sense to me. I hope it will be helpful to you in making your decisions about tomorrow’s elections.
Video clip – Why Yes On Prop H (1 MB)
Tom Ammiano Says:
“Prop H is very important. Not just cause I wrote it. But it is about police reform. People are hungry for that across the class spectrum and across the political spectrum. People want police reform. It’s being spun as being anti-cop. It’s being spun as a political power grab. That’s nonsense. We really need Prop H.”

Why Vote Yes On Prop A?

How I’m voting this Tuesday

This footage is from October 31, 2003.
I took advantage of having access to Tom Ammiano in person Friday to ask him about the other propositions on the ballot. What he said makes sense to me. I hope it will be helpful to you in making your decisions about tomorrow’s elections.
Video clip – Why Yes On Prop A (2 MB)
Tom Ammiano Says:
“I think one of the most import ones to me is Prop A, which is the School Bonds. The new Superindendent, like her or not, has really cleaned up the act of the school district. The clearance of the state in terms of honest finances. So Prop A would really help our schools a lot. In San Francisco, we like public schools. So I would say hooray for Prop A.”

Why Vote For Tom Ammiano Instead Of Angela Alioto?

How I’m voting this Tuesday

This footage is from October 31, 2003.
Tom Ammiano explaining why he’s a better choice for Mayor
than Angela Alioto. (Small – 3 MB)

The other person I wanted to ask you about was Angela Alioto.
Well, you know, Angela is a very interesting person. She has a lot of personality, but I don’t think she has a lot of substance. I worked with her on the Board many years ago, and she can certainly put her heart behind an issue. But when it really came to taking on business, and when it really came to taking on established practices, she’s more a woman of Pacific Heights.
I think people need to remember that this is also a “money” person. Now a money person doesn’t have to be necessarily an “evil” person. However, I think there is a disconnect with a lot of the working class people and culture in San Francisco. I think she’s been somewhat removed, and she certainly has interrupted her political career for the past 12 years, and I don’t think she’s in the loop in the same way. She didn’t support District Elections, and now she says she does.
So there’s a lot of reinvention on her part, and I think it would be a big mistake to have her as Mayor of San Francisco. I think, we’d, if anything, have some chaos. If you look at her contributors, they’re a lot of the same developers that have been around for a long time, and lobbyists, and we’ve really gotten away from that. We certainly don’t want a mayor that encourages that. And definitely Newsom could do the same thing.

Why Vote For Tom Ammiano Instead Of Gavin Newsom?

How I’m voting this Tuesday

This footage is from October 31, 2003.
Tom Ammiano explaining why he’s a better choice for Mayor
than Gavin Newsom. (Small – 4 MB)

What separates you from Gavin?
Well, I think there’s a class background that can’t be discounted. And, as with Matt, the number of years of legislative history. He’s pretty skimpy. He’s been on about as long as Gonzales, but he hasn’t really accomplished very much.
Also, he doesn’t get along with any of the Board members. He’s at war with most of them. It’s one thing to fight with people. We all do that. You want that in a democracy. It’s not “the Stepford Supervisors” by any means. But then there’s a time to put it aside and work in a common way. And I don’t see that with Newsome in any way. So, he gets elected Mayor and we’re going to have that wide gap again between Supervisors, elected by neighborhoods by the way, and a Mayor who does not like District Elections and wants to go backwards.
He’s supported by Feinstein. Feinstein wants to end District Elections. She’s not supportive of comperable work. She’s not supportive of police reform. So he, really, for a younger person, really does not represent the future. He represents the past and going backwards, and I think that’s a big difference.

Why Vote For Tom Ammiano Instead Of Matt Gonzales?

How I’m voting this Tuesday

This footage is from October 31, 2003.
Tom Ammiano explaining why he’s a better choice for Mayor than Matt Gonzales
. (Small – 5 MB)

What separates you from Matt Gonzales? A lot of people are on the fence about who they’re going to vote for, and I thought we could clear that up.
Well, a lot more years of experience. And legislative history. I know that sometimes people think “gee, legislative history” is a little boring. However, I come from this activist background. And then, when I was about 49, I took all the social justice issues I knew about and all the populist issues I knew about and put them together and got elected, and I’ve been enacting those for years.
Living Wage, District Elections, Environmental Issues, and I think that that’s a big difference.
Also, I taught school for 25 years, and I think that taught be a lot about not only the economy, but about the diversity in San Francisco, and the job market in San Francisco, and I’m very very supportive of public schools, and I have that hands on experience. And I have a kid, and my kid went to public schools.
So, you know, I think someone like Gonzales is going to find out that there ain’t no free lunch for anybody, and you just can’t coast on rhetoric and verbage or personality. You’re really going to have to prove that you’ve produced something other than a different voice…
I think my legislative history — the length of it, the social justice ground, the comprehensive and very wide wide number of issues I’ve dealt with over the years — I think that’s what people would like to see in a Mayor.

Send Me Questions For Tom Ammiano

So I just set up an in-person interview with Tom Ammiano for Friday afternoon. I’ll be videotaping the interview and making it available here.
Since the purpose of this interview is to give you a chance to know Tom better, so you’ll vote for him next Tuesday, I thought I’d give you a chance to send me questions ahead of time. Please email me at with your questions and I’ll work them into the interview on Friday.