Category Archives: The Shrub War – Saddam Capture Lies

More On Real Details Of Saddam Capture

I’m in a hurry so I’ll just have to give you the links:

Saddam was captured by Kurds, not US

We got him: Kurds say they caught Saddam

US Saddam claims being challenged

They’ve got a good reason for not telling the truth (right on schedule!) — they feared an Arab-Kurd conflict…
There are also more details about his ex-wife turning him in, and how he was captured (his cook spiked his food).
Happy Holidays everyone!

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Lovely Comprehensive Page On The Saddam Capture Cover-up Links

Knitwitology has just posted a great page with all the information on it I was just about to take the time to create links for:

Of Spiderholes and Spiderwebs

Thanks, Morgan for letting me off the hook!
Remember to not let any of this stuff get you down people! Things just keep getting stranger and stranger. But we’re all in this together, and we’re gonna get out of it together!
Happy Holidays and Remember to Be Careful About Driving Tired, Wasted or in Bad Weather. When in doubt – chill out and wait till later.
Peace and Love Ya’ll!
(I’m probably out for the next few days…connectivity uncertain.)

More On The Real Story Behind Saddam’s Capture

Saddam ‘captured weeks ago’

An intelligence website has reported that former Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein, might have been a prisoner at the time of his arrest.
According to Debkafiles there is a possibility that Saddam was held for up to three weeks in the underground pit by a Kurdish splinter group while they negotiated a handover to the Americans in return for the US$25m reward.
The website, edited by former Israeli intelligence agents reports that this is the only answer to questions on why Saddam looked dishevelled and disorientated when captured.
The website reported that it was clear Saddam had not shaved for weeks nor had he washed his hair. He was also starved and looked neglected.
The opening of the underground pit was camouflaged with rocks and mud and it was accessible for above ground only. As a result it was impossible for Saddam to leave his underground cell.
No information has been released on the two men captured at the site except for the fact that they tried to escape during the American operation.
The other question asked is where did the US$750 000 found at the scene come from. It is possible that the new notes were a down payment of a ransom.
The possibility that Saddam was drugged has also emerged. This could have been why he appeared so disorientated, read the report. This would also explain why Saddam did not use the firearm found in the pit.

Kurds claim Saddam capture

SADDAM Hussein was found by US troops only after he had been taken prisoner by Kurdish forces, drugged and abandoned ready for American soldiers to recover him, a British newspaper reported yesterday.
Saddam came into the hands of the Kurdish Patriotic Front after being betrayed to the group by a member of the al-Jabour tribe, whose daughter had been raped by Saddam’s son Uday, leading to a blood feud, reported the Sunday Express, which quoted an unnamed senior British military intelligence officer.
The newspaper said the full story of events leading up to the ousted Iraqi president’s capture on December 13 near his hometown of Tikrit in northern Iraq, “exposes the version peddled by American spin doctors as incomplete”.
A former Iraqi intelligence officer, whom the Express did not name, told the paper that Saddam was held prisoner by a leader of the Kurdish Patriotic Front, which fought alongside US forces during the Iraq war, until the leader negotiated a deal.
The deal apparently involved the group gaining political advantage in the region.
An unnamed Western intelligence source in the Middle East told the Express: “Saddam was not captured as a result of any American or British intelligence”.

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Saddam Actually Captured By The Kurds

Can’t the Shrub Administration tell the truth about anything?
Would it have really been so bad to just tell the truth on this one? We still have him in custody and all. The Kurds could have gotten their proper credit — we could have bonded with a persecuted people, and then we all could have held hands and hated Saddam together. (These are the Kurds, remember? The ones that were gassed ten years ago that the Administration likes to bring up all the time as justification for the Shrub War’s unfound WMD!)
But no.
Instead we have to find out a week later that we were lied to yet again.
I hope this is getting as old for you as it is for me. I want a President that can tell the truth at least part of the time. How about once. I’d like to go a day or two, or maybe a week even, without hearing a lie from my President. I don’t think it’s too much to ask.
Well, at least now we know what the new terror alert level is all about. It’s all about diversion: “Pay no attention to the information coming in from the rest of the world. Just be afraid and keep watching the box for further instructions.”

Saddam was held by Kurdish forces, drugged and left for US troops

Saddam Hussein (news – web sites) was captured by US troops only after he had been taken prisoner by Kurdish forces, drugged and abandoned ready for American soldiers to recover him, a British Sunday newspaper said.
Saddam came into the hands of the Kurdish Patriotic Front after being betrayed to the group by a member of the al-Jabour tribe, whose daughter had been raped by Saddam’s son Uday, leading to a blood feud, reported the Sunday Express, which quoted an unnamed senior British military intelligence officer.
The newspaper said the full story of events leading up to the ousted Iraqi president’s capture on December 13 near his hometown of Tikrit in northern Iraq (news – web sites), “exposes the version peddled by American spin doctors as incomplete”.
A former Iraqi intelligence officer, whom the Express did not name, told the paper that Saddam was held prisoner by a leader of the Kurdish Patriotic Front, which fought alongside US forces during the Iraq war, until he negotiated a deal.
The deal apparently involved the group gaining political advantage in the region.
An unnamed Western intelligence source in the Middle East told the Express: “Saddam was not captured as a result of any American or British intelligence. We knew that someone would eventually take their revenge, it was just a matter of time.”

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