Category Archives: New Orleans Catastrophe 2005

Meet The Press Covers The Incompetence Of The New Orleans “Rescue”

Here’s Aaron Broussard, President, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana on Meet the Press from yesterday morning, September 4, 2005.
Here’s an article about it in the Kansas City Star.
Video (Crooks and Liars)

My archive of this video

Tim Russert: First Mr. President Broussard. Let me start with you. You just heard the Director of Homeland Security’s explanation of what has happened this last week. What is your reaction?
Aaron Broussard: “The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina will go down as one of the worst abandonment of Americans on American soil ever in U.S. history.”

Clips On New Orleans From CNN

Here are some clips from CNN that ran this afternoon (September 4, 2005).
(Hopefully I’ll get some more up tonight, but now I want to get 60 min and meet the press up first, now that these are up.)
1. The Mayor of New Orleans blaming the Bush Administration for not providing proper assistance.
(video, MP3)
2. A rescuer explaining how he doesn’t even really consider what he’s doing “a real rescue,” because he’s “just moving people languishing on their roofs to languishing on the expressway.”
(video, MP3)
3. A general overview of the situation down there. (But note that today’s 60 Minutes program** challenges the allegation that the levees broke, giving the alternative explanation that it was two or more of the city’s 2 feet thick floodwalls that actually gave way.
(video, MP3)
(**This 60 minutes includes in interview with Al Naomi, who manages Flood Control for the Army Core of Engineers.)
(video, MP3)

Oops. Did another month just go by?

Damn. How’d dat happen?
Oh well, too late now. But I’m back for real this time (a likely story).
I’m at home working on some of my graduate projects, when I couldn’t help but turn on CNN to check in on whatever the hell is going on in New Orleans.
The result of which is a series of video clips that I’m about to put up here, that I would love it if you helped me follow up on, as my time is limited today and tomorrow, but, you know, timing’s a bitch 🙂
I’m trying to determine what is actually going on over there so I can determine how I can best help out. I read an article questioning the effectiveness of giving money to the Red Cross (like a “they’re not going to actually be there helping out, so don’t give them money” story) — that also contributed to my apprehension about just throwing money at the problem (my first response).