Category Archives: My Music

New Song Available! Something Better

I’ve just uploaded a new song I wrote with my guitar player, Ron Taylor.
We’ve just reunited after a 4 year hiatus, and it feels so good!
We’ll be playing around in San Francisco soon under our “band” name: Park and Ride.
(He’s “Park” I’m “Ride” 🙂
Hope you’ll come check us out.
Like all of my music, it’s released under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
That means, in a nutshell: “Take it and run (baby) BUT give us credit.”
(Spelled out: Distribute, Display, and Perform at will — Derivative Works and Commercial Uses OK)
And now, I bring you
Something Better

Ron and I wrote this song many years ago right after I’d talked him out of joining the Navy. He was joining the Navy because he felt he had nothing better to do with his life. I convinced him that even flipping burgers would be better than potentially dying in some stupid war.
Now he’s happily married with two beautiful children and he still thanks me for helping him out on that fateful day. (Although, I must admit, at the time I was being purely selfish: I didn’t want to lose my guitar player!)
Ron and I have recently reunited (August 2003) and we just recorded this track last weekend by playing into the microphone on my video camera. I played it for some friends, and they all liked it a lot. So I’m taking their advice.
It’s rough, but I think they’re right. It’s good enough for rock n’ roll!
Hope you like it!

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Getting A Band Together…

This may seem like strange timing, but I promised myself I would do this as soon as I got back from SXSW, and it’s already been a week, so here goes: I’m looking to put a band together to play mainly around town (at first) and maybe also in Austin, L.A. and New York (eventually), where I have a few contacts.
Check out my stuff and let me know if you’d be interested. (

New Song: James and Marybeth

I’ve written and recorded a new song asking the Librarian of Congress (James H. Billington) and the Register of Copyrights (Marybeth Peters) to reconsider the recent CARP rulings regarding the rates and terms for webcasters (and to also please protect our rights against the detrimental effects of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, since it does not contain adequate fair use provisions).

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