Category Archives: My Daily Show Excerpt Movies

Senate Republican Leader Trent Lott Is A Racist And Proud Of It

Pretty big accusation, huh? Here’s my proof:

“What I want to tell you…Ladies and Gentlemen…That there’s not enough troops in the Army…to force the southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigger race into our theatres, into our swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches.”
— Strom Thurman, 1948.
“When Strom Thurman ran for president, we voted for him! We’re proud of it! And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn’t have had all of these problems over all of these years either.”
— Trent Lott, December, 2002.
“If we had elected this man 30 years ago, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are today.”
— Trent Lott, 1980.

Strom Thurman, Racist. Trent Lott, Thurman Supporter
(Right mouse click and “save” to download and play the file off of your hard drive.)
Another history lesson, courtesy of the most excellent Daily Show!
Strom Thurman in 1948:

Trent Lott in 1980:

A Lesson On Kissinger History and Current Events From The Daily Show

Jon Stewart’s Daily Show is one of the best things on television right now. Lately, the shows are so newsworthy and informative (besides being totally hilarious) that I’ve decided to start showing clips from them here. (Now that I am set up to do so by recording from my TiVO into my camera and then capturing that into my computer and generating a quicktime from that.)
My first creation is a three minute montage made up of clips from some of last week’s sequences on Henry Kissinger, the recent appointee to chair the Shrub’s committee to investigate 911 (57 MB):
The Daily Show On Kissinger (from 12/04/02) (MP4 – 10 MB)
Update: 10/23/03 – new format that should work better for everyone and play within the browser.
Note: Let me know if these videos work for everyone ok? And if not, what platform and application you’re using to view it, etc. I’m trying to figure out what set of formats I need to provide my footage can be accessible to everyone.
I’m also ready to help walk you through the process if need be getting set up to view video if you’re not already so you can follow along on my various video expeditions.
So please email me at if you’re having trouble of any kind. Thanks!