Category Archives: Movie Reviews

The Mothman Prophecies – Skip It

This movie is D.U.M.B. dumb. It starts out with a happy couple driving fast for fun in the snow. Then the strangest thing happens, they swerve off the road, and she hits her dead and later dies (yeah yeah yeah – she had a tumor anyway).
Sure there’s more too it than that, but I kinda stopped caring after they were driving fast in the snow.
Now it’s 16 minutes into the film. But it’s over for me.

Notes On A Scandal Sucks. Don’t Bother.

Another hopelessly stupid film…
Notes on a scandal
is just really, really underdeveloped and unbelievable.
You don’t just find yourself unable to resist your fifteen year old (special needs) student because he keeps trying. Jeez.
Best stupid quote (referring to sleeping with her student):
“It’s like having another drink, when you know you shouldn’t!”

Zodiac Was Worthwhile – But Don’t Try To Work At The Same Time

So that would be a thumbs up for Zodiac.
Nice attention to detail! It went a little long as a result, but hey, it had to. It held up fine.
But, if you’re like me, and you like to watch movies while you work on whatever seemingly endless web project you’re working on, pick another one if you’re really trying to get anything done.
Also – jesus, you’d think Hollywood could figure out to make the type bigger for the last three screens of text on a DVD that was originally projected on a screen. Especially when they completely explain whatever the hell happens at the end. It was unreadable on my 32ish” screen. (I still don’t know 🙂
Ok I’m getting up early just to blog now. (Well, there are other good reasons…but that’s yet another one.)
Must catch you up on things…

12 Monkeys Is the Bomb

See I’m not always complaining about movies, sometimes I just can’t get enough of them.
Such is the case with 12 Monkeys.
Bruce Willis, Madeline Stowe, Brad Pitt, yeah yeah yeah, but also incredible to look at, so many things going on, I notice new ones every time I watch it. Great plot. Great script.
Also can be a great party movie because all the scenes are interesting on their own — even if you don’t watch through the whole thing — and would look up on a big screen if you just wanted something to loop through the night.
(Every single scene is fantastic to look at and will look great large screen.)
Plus it’s a great movie in the classic hollywood sense! Classic intrigue and intense character development!
Ok i gotta get back to work!
Just don’t miss it 🙂

Blood Diamond: Spare Yourself

So I’ve been watching a ton of movies while I’ve been working on the repetitive task portions of the project I’ve been working on non-stop these past few weeks, and I’m getting the urge to start doing reviews again…but sometimes they’re going to be kinda short, like this one for
Blood Diamond, which I had to shut off after 27 minutes.
What’s wrong with it? Boring, bad dialogue, stupid characters, actors trying to seem interested in the boring cliched script….zzzzzz….click!

Bowling For Columbine Rocks!

Michael Moore has created another masterpiece and accomplished a number of excellent goals in the process (like getting K-Mart to stop selling gun ammunition).
Bowling for Columbine is funny. Timely, and well worth the cash.
Go see it quick before it leaves town!
Here’s an interview with Michael Moore about the film.
Here’s another review from Common Dreams:

by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Continue reading

Death To Smoochie Is A Classy Flick

I just saw Death To Smoochie last night.

What a great movie with a tight script and a great cast!

Kudos to Director Danny Devito for putting it all together!

It was also really nice to see Robin Williams branching out from his usual typecast roles. Robin has another movie coming out soon called Insomnia that looks like another high quality departure from the usual feel good shit that I, personally, can only take so much of (nothing personal Robin! I love ya man!)