Category Archives: Michael Moore

Michael Moore: The Webzine Keynote

Webzine has posted Michael Moore’s Keynote from last summer in NY City as a stream or a downloadable MP3 file (Please mirror this file — Note: I have already done so here.)

Michael Moore gave a keynote speech on July 21, 2001 for Webzine 2001 in New York City. He spoke about the Internet as a revolutionary medium that can empower the little guy, how the Internet helped TV Nation win another season, a powerful scene from Bowling for Columbine, a dirty little chat with Bill Clinton at a porto-potty and a few inspirational stories to motivate YOU to get out there and do something.
Michael Moore speech – 1hr 26mins, 128k MP3 stream
Downloadable MP3 – 80MB MP3 file. Please download and mirror this.

Catch Michael Moore On Donahue Monday Night

Michael Moore will be on the Donahue Show for a full hour this Monday night at 8pm on MSNBC!
Spread the word!
And if you have another second or two, please email “” and “warn them to not pre-empt the show again.” (Michael asks for this favor at the bottom right of his website.)
Here’s what I just sent:

I am a web journalist writing to let you know how much I am looking forward
to this Monday’s Donahue show with guest Michael Moore.
I sure hope the show does not get pre-empted again!
Lisa Rein

Bowling For Columbine Rocks!

Michael Moore has created another masterpiece and accomplished a number of excellent goals in the process (like getting K-Mart to stop selling gun ammunition).
Bowling for Columbine is funny. Timely, and well worth the cash.
Go see it quick before it leaves town!
Here’s an interview with Michael Moore about the film.
Here’s another review from Common Dreams:

by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

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