Category Archives: Michael Moore

Michael Moore’s Video Crew’s Documentary Of Disenfranchised Voters In Cleveland, Ohio

And there are A LOT of them.
In a nutshell, a lot of voters in the poorer and minority areas were turned away for a variety of unfair reasons. The film documents these cases of disenfranchisement.

This was produced by Michael Moore’s “Video The Vote” crew in Cleveland.

Video The Vote
(59 MB)
Here’s a link to Xeni’s
Boing Boing Post and a bunch of Mirrors

The producers of this (and the editor, Dave Pentecost) wanted me to mention the following:
People for the American Way
Election Protection

2) Their apologies to The Jayhawks for not clearing the music first. (They are still waiting to hear back, their rights person is in transit) but they felt that it is really a free music video for the group!
3) This was shot by a dedicated group of 20 volunteer filmmakers, but any mistakes in the editing or focus of this video are Dave Pentecost’s fault.
(Aww Dave, I didn’t see any errors 🙂
4) The organizers of the trip will release a longer selection of statements by voters who had problems voting. (Probably on Monday, November 15, 2004)
This goes with this earlier post.
I’ve had this since November 5, 2004, so I guess that’s the publishing date. You’ve probably seen it around already, but I promised I would host it here so…better late than never 🙂

Report From Michael Moore’s “Protect The Vote” Video Crew

This in from Dave Pentecost of Michael Moore’s “Protect the Vote” video team in Cleveland. (I offered to host clips for them.):

I am with the Michael Moore protect the vote video team in Cleveland. I expect we will have clips of voters being challenged or sound bites after they leave the polls.
We are starting to hear about more incidents of challengers and dirty tricks and are sending crews to those locations. I’ll let you know when I’ve uploaded anything.
This is typical right now: we got a report that there were 5
challengers where they are only allowed 2, old couples being allowed
only one vote between them, cops around and telling our crews to turn
off the cameras (even though they were the proper distance). Rebecca
Perl who is organizing things called for a lawyer, he went over and
got the challengers to leave. I’ll see what gets on tape, but that’s
what we are here for – rapid response.
I shot the Michael Moore press conference this afternoon. He’s good
but you can see him on TV. I’m still looking for the clips you can’t
see elsewhere. And after the presser, the “real” media went off
trailing behind our teams, who’ve been out in the rain all day.
Just got a call that they are sending some tapes back. We’ll see what’s up.

And then later:

Looks like no video clip today. some good
anecdotal interviews. Good determined folks at the polls. Surprisingly
little conflict considering all the waiting lines. But we know how
great all Americans are!

Michael Moore Posts Letters From The Troops

I’ll be posting some stuff today…(even though technically I don’t have time to.)
Some of this stuff is just too important…(Ugh…that’s how I got behind in my school work to begin with!)

Letters the Troops Have Sent Me

As we approach the holidays, I’ve been thinking a lot about our kids who are in the armed forces serving in Iraq. I’ve received hundreds of letters from our troops in Iraq — and they are telling me something very different from what we are seeing on the evening news.
What they are saying to me, often eloquently and in heart-wrenching words, is that they were lied to — and this war has nothing to do with the security of the United States of America.
I’ve written back and spoken on the phone to many of them and I’ve asked a few of them if it would be OK if I posted their letters on my website and they’ve said yes. They do so at great personal risk (as they may face disciplinary measures for exercising their right to free speech). I thank them for their bravery.
Lance Corporal George Batton of the United States Marine Corps, who returned from Iraq in September (after serving in MP company Alpha), writes the following:
“You’d be surprised at how many of the guys I talked to in my company and others believed that the president’s scare about Saddam’s WMD was a bunch of bullshit and that the real motivation for this war was only about money. There was also a lot of crap that many companies, not just marine companies, had to go through with not getting enough equipment to fulfill their missions when they crossed the border. It was a miracle that our company did what it did the two months it was staying in Iraq during the war

A Secondhand Account Of Michael Moore’s SFSU Presentation

A fellow student of mine went to Michael Moore‘s presentation here at San Francisco State Monday night, and she filled me in a bit on some of the events that took place.
There were about 4,000 people in the gym and at least another 1,000 outside that couldn’t get in. Michael was late starting the show inside because he took some time to talk to the folks outside first.
Michael put on a little quiz show routine where he invited a Canadian (supposedly with a low GPA) and several Americans (supposedly with high GPAs) down from the audience to participate. He asked the Canadian questions about the United States (who’s the President and some basic geography questions, etc.) and then some geography questions about other parts of the world like Iraq and Afghanistan. The Canadian got everything right. He then asked the high gpa American students about Canada and the same geography questions about Iraq and Afghanistan — none of which they could answer correctly.
He went on to cite a few studies of Americans from 18-24 years of age where the subjects didn’t seem to know where many other countries in the world were physically located. He made the point that if we were going to be at war with countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq, we should probably know where they are on the map.
At one point, he asked the audience to get together and decide who they’d like him to call up on the telephone while he was there. The audience wanted him to call the President of SFSU, but nobody knew his phone number. So their next choice was mayoral candidate Gavin Newsome. Luckily Mayoral candidate Matt Gonzales was in the audience, and he had Newsome’s personal cell phone number handy.
The audience didn’t like Newsome, and Michael asked them why. The audience filled Michael in on the “Care Not Cash” situation, which takes General Assistance payments away in exchange for “services,” many of which have yet to be completely specified (although the payments would cease immediately).
(A Judge has already thrown this legislation out, by the way, on the grounds that it’s illegal to take this money away from people, even if the voters voted it in.)
Michael then called up Newsome and said something along the lines of “I’ve heard about this ‘Care Not Cash’ thing and it seems like you don’t really care at all.” He mentioned the Getty family and said something like “we all know that you’re a Republican in Democrat clothing…I’m in front of an audience of thousands of people right now (he then held up the phone so audience could make noise)…hear that? That’s a whole lot of votes that are not going to be voting for you, Gavin.”
Then he switched his tone of voice to a cheerful one and said “Ok thanks! Have a nice day!”

Michael Moore Goodies From Kevin Norton

Kevin Norton donated a truckload of Michael Moore movie clips to my Michael Moore archive.
I haven’t even had a chance to look at these yet, but I thought I’d let you know they were up there.
He’s also included a ton of
MP3 clips
too! These are named very nicely and include: 1996_radiofreela, 60minutes, after the oscars, bill maher, boulder-CO, an interview in belfast, ralph nader rally, university of toronto, and webzine.

Michael Moore In SF Today

Michael Moore is at San Francisco State in the Gym tonight at 7pm.
I’m going to try to make it, but I might not. I’ve got a ton of blogging and homework to do and my good camera is busted anyway, so it wouldn’t come out that good if I filmed it. And it’s kind of frustrating for me these days to go to events I can’t film. So I’ll probably skip it.
I have a feeling I’ll get to meet Mike in person someday anyway, if I’m patient (and do my homework, and eat my vegetables 🙂
Just wanted to make sure you knew about it.

Michael Moore On The Lying Liars Who Tell Lies About Him

How to Deal with the Lies and the Lying Liars When They Lie about “Bowling for Columbine”

One thing you get used to when you’re in what’s called “the public eye” is reading the humorous fiction that others like to write about you. For instance, I have read in quite respectable and trustworthy publications that a) I’m a college graduate (I’m not), b) I was a factory worker (I quit the first day), and c) I have two brothers (I have none). Newsweek wrote that I live in a penthouse on Central Park West (I live above a Baby Gap store, and not on any park), and the Internet Movie Database once listed me as the director of the Elvis movie, “Blue Hawaii” ( I was 6 at the time the film was made, but I was quite skilled in directing my sisters in building me a snowman). Lately, my favorite mistake is the one many reviewers made crediting the cartoon in “Bowling for Columbine” as being the work of the “South Park” creators. It isn’t. I wrote it and my buddy Harold Moss’s animation studio drew it.
I’ve enjoyed reading these inventions/mistakes about this “Michael Moore.” I mean, who wouldn’t want to fantasize about living in penthouses roughhousing with brothers you never had. But lately I’ve begun to see so many things about me or my work that aren’t true. It’s become so easy to spread these fictions through the internet (thanks mostly to lazy reporters or web junkies who do all their research by typing in “key words” and then just repeat the same mistakes). And so I wonder that if I don’t correct the record, then all of the people who don’t know better may just end up being filled with a bunch of stuff that isn’t true.
Of course, it would take a lot of my time to contact all these sites and media outlets to correct their errors and I think it’s more important I spend my time on my next book or movie so I just let it ride. But is that fair to you, the reader, who has now been told something that isn’t true?
With the unexpected and overwhelming success of “Bowling for Columbine” and “Stupid White Men,” the fiction that has been written or spoken about me and my work has reached a whole new level of storytelling. It’s no longer about making some simple errors or calling me “Roger” Moore. It is now about organized groups going full blast trying to discredit me by knowingly making up lies and repeating them over and over in the hopes that people will believe them