Category Archives: Meet The Press Archive

More Details About Colin Powell’s Scolding Of Press Aide (For Interrupting His Meet The Press Interview)

Powell scolds aide after interview interrupted

By The Associated Press (as published on MSNBC).

Secretary of State Colin Powell chastised a press aide for trying to cut short the taping of a television interview Sunday.
Powell, speaking from a Dead Sea resort in Jordan, was listening to a final question from moderator Tim Russert, who was in the Washington studio of NBC

Colin Powell On Meet The Press

This is from the May 16, 2004 program of
Meet the Press
This is pretty unbelievable. Colin Powell’s press aide attempted to put an early end to the interview by suddenly moving the camera away from Powell (right after Powell addresses the torture situation and right before Russert asks a hard-hitting question about the fake nigerian yellow cake WMD evidence he cited within his U.N. speech). Powell gets her out of the way somehow, manages to get the camera pointed in the right direction, and resumes the interview. You can hear him say “Emily, get out of the way.”
Here’s the clip that contains what I mention above (happens about half way through):

Colin Powell Clip – Meet The Press
(12 MB)
It happens about half way through, right after Powell’s admission that he and numerous top officials, including Condi Rice and Rummy, were made aware of the torture situation via a report from the Red Cross they all received way back in mid-February 2004.
Update 4:49 pm: Use one of the three mirrors below:
Here’s the first mirror (of the interview parts one and two):

Thanks Leif!
Here’s a complete mirror (of all three clips):

Colin Powell On Meet The Press – Part 1 of 2

Colin Powell On Meet The Press – Part 2 of 2

Colin Powell On Meet The Press – Apology for Bogus WMD Evidence and Press Aide Interruption Highlights

Thanks Dave!
Here’s a second mirror (of all three clips):

Colin Powell On Meet The Press – Part 1 of 2

Colin Powell On Meet The Press – Part 2 of 2

Colin Powell On Meet The Press – Apology for Bogus WMD Evidence and Press Aide Interruption Highlights

Thanks Reid!
Third mirror of all three clips:

Colin Powell On Meet The Press – Part 1 of 2

Colin Powell On Meet The Press – Part 2 of 2

Colin Powell On Meet The Press – Apology for Bogus WMD Evidence and Press Aide Interruption Highlights

Thanks Steve!
Here’s a Fourth mirror (woo hoo!):
All three clips are located here.
Thanks Richard!

Joseph Wilson On Meet The Press

This is from the May 2, 2004 program of
Meet the Press
This directory contains the entire interview in one big file and three smaller files:

Joseph Wilson On Meet The Press
Check out Joseph Wilson’s new book:
The Politics of Truth: Inside the Lies that Led to War and Betrayed My Wife’s CIA Identity: A Diplomat’s Memoir
One thing Joseph said that sticks out in my mind is that daddy Shrub said whoever leaked the information about Wilson’s wife was an “insidious traitor.”
Does anyone know where he said this or when? Update: Oh okay. He said it in 1999. But it still applies — to Karl Rove and the Cheney gang in this case:
“I have nothing but contempt and anger for those who betray the trust by exposing the names of our [intelligence] sources. They are, in my view, the most insidious of traitors.”

George W. “The Shrub” Bush On Meet The Press

This is from the February 8, 2004 program of
Meet the Press
Okay, I’ve got this split up into two parts and 4 parts — in quicktime movies and MP3s.
The Parts 1 and 2s go together (The movies and audio). The 4 parters are split up more at random.
Okay this stuff should be uploaded now. Sorry for being a bonehead last night 😉
Quicktimes In Two Parts:

Shrub On Meet The Press – Part 1 of 2
(Small – 69 MB)

Shrub On Meet The Press – Part 2 of 2
(Small – 35 MB)
MP3s in Two Parts:

Shrub On Meet The Press – Part 1 of 2
(MP3 – 44 MB)

Shrub On Meet The Press – Part 2 of 2
(MP3 – 23 MB)
Quicktimes In Four Parts:

Shrub On Meet The Press – Part 1 of 4
(Small – 25 MB)

Shrub On Meet The Press – Part 2 of 4
(Small – 32 MB)

Shrub On Meet The Press – Part 3 of 4
(Small – 25 MB)

Shrub On Meet The Press – Part 4 of 4
(Small – 24 MB)
MP3s in Four Parts:

Shrub On Meet The Press – Part 1 of 4
(MP3 – 20 MB)

Shrub On Meet The Press – Part 2 of 4
(MP3 – 32 MB)

Shrub On Meet The Press – Part 3 of 4
(MP3 – 25 MB)

Shrub On Meet The Press – Part 4 of 4
(MP3 – 17 MB)

Daily Show On The Shrub’s Meet The Press Interview

This is from the February 9, 2004 program. (Commenting on the February 8, 2004 Meet the Press.)
The Shrub was on message, as usual. Jon created a drinking game: a shot of tequila every time the Shrub says “Terror,” “Danger,” or “Madman.”
Here’s complete
video of the Shrub’s February 8, 2004 Meet The Press Interview
Daily Show On Shrub’s Meet The Press Appearance
(Small – 10 MB)
Daily Show On Shrub’s Meet The Press Appearance
(Med – 18 MB)

The Daily Show
(The best news on television.)

Rumsfeld On Meet The Press: More On Why Nobody Knows How Many Troops We’ll Need

This is from the November 2, 2003 program of Meet the Press.

Complete Video and Photos

Rumsfeld: More On Why Nobody Knows How Many Troops We’ll Need
(Small – 5 MB)
Donald Rumsfeld:
“The total number of security forces is made up of three categories: U.S. forces, coalition forces, and Iraqi security forces. Now, the answer as to how many U.S. forces will be there a year from now depends entirely on what happens in the security situation on the ground, first and foremost. Second, it depends on how fast we’re able to build up the Iraqi forces. What’s happening is the total number of security forces in that country have been going up steadily. We’ve come down from 150,- to 130,000 troops. The coalition troops of about 30,000 have stayed about level. And what’s changed is the Iraqi troops have come up from zero to 100,000, heading towards over 200,000 next year.
Now, I can’t — I have trouble believing that the security situation in that country will require additional U.S. troops. We’ll have to rotate our forces, and take the ones who’ve been there awhile out, and put additional troops in. But the total number of troops are going up, because the Iraqis are going up. And then, someone says, well, how many will we have? And the answer is I don’t know. Nobody knows. And that’s a fair answer.”
Tim Russert:
“It could go down?”
Donald Rumsfeld:
“Oh, of course. It’s come down. It’s come down from 150,- to 130,000. And I suspect it will continue going down. That depends on if the security situation in the country permits it. The president’s said he’s going to stay there as long as it takes, and not one day longer, and he has said repeatedly we will put in as many U.S. troops as are necessary and no more. And instead of putting additional U.S. troops in, we’ve been able to build up the Iraqi forces, pass responsibility for security in that country to the Iraqi people, who in the last analysis had the responsibility and the obligation to provide for their own security.”

Rumsfeld On Meet The Press: No Way To Know How Many Troops It Will Take (“It Is Unknowable”)

This is from the November 2, 2003 program of Meet the Press.

Complete Video and Photos

Rumsfeld: No Way To Know How Many Troops It Will Take (“It Is Unknowable”) (Small – 5 MB)
Tim Russert:
“Time magazine reports this today, that this question was asked in the closed briefing with senators, “‘What troop levels do we expect to have in Iraq a year from now?,’ asked Senator Bill Frist, the Republican leader. And with that, the Pentagon chief began to tap dance.” Do you believe that you have an obligation to tell our leaders in Congress what your best estimate is for troop levels in Iraq a year from now?”
Donald Rumsfeld:
“You know, since — any war, when it starts, the questions are obvious. The questions are: How long is it going to last? How many casualties will there be? And, How many troops will it take?
Now, those questions can’t be answered. Every time someone has answered those questions, they’ve been wrong. They have been embarrassingly wrong. I’ll use another word: They have “misinformed.” By believing they knew the answers to those questions, they’ve misinformed and misled the American people.
I made a conscious decision at the outset of these conflicts to not pretend I knew something I didn’t know. And what I have said is just that. I have said it is not knowable.
Now, if you think about Bosnia, we were told by the administration back then that the American forces would be out by Christmas. That was six and a half years ago. They’re not out yet. That was — that — the effect of that was not consciously misleading — I’m sure they believed it. They were that wrong — six and a half years wrong. I don’t intend to be wrong six and a half years. I intend to have people understand the truth, and the truth is no one knows. But why is that question not answerable?
And Bill Frist knows this. He asked it because others were interested in that question. He’s been very supportive and very complimentary of what we’re doing, and it was not a critical question at all. It was a question that should have been raised. And I said was this: The security situation on the ground is going to determine the total number of security forces that are needed in Iraq.”

Rumsfeld On Meet The Press: On The Shrub Administration’s Refusal To Cooperate With Congress

This clip includes some harsh criticism from prominent Repubs such as Frank Wolf and Chuck Hagel.
This is from the November 2, 2003 program of Meet the Press.

Complete Video and Photos

Rumsfeld: On The Shrub Administration’s Refusal To Cooperate With Congress
(Small – 5 MB)
Tim Russert:
“Let me turn to some of the concerns expressed by Republicans in the Congress. This was Frank Wolf: Republican allies complain of administration arrogance towards Congress: ‘Pride goeth before the fall.’
And this, a prominent Republican Hill staffer: Rumsfeld and Secretary Wolfowitz, your top deputy, ‘just give off the sense that they know better than thou, and they don’t have to answer our questions.’
And this from Chuck Hagel on the Intelligence and Foreign Affairs Committees, Republican: ‘The Bush administration did miscalculate the difficulty of the war in Iraq. I think they did a miserable job of planning for a post-Saddam Iraq. They treated many in the Congress, most of the Congress, like a nuisance. When we asked questions, we wanted to be helpful, we wanted to participate. And now they are finding out that reality is dominating.’
‘Arrogance?’ ‘Nuisance?’ Not a full appreciation of your fellow Republicans in the Congress?”
Donald Rumsfeld:
“Well, you know, there’s 535 members of the House and Senate, and you are going to find every viewpoint across the spectrum. It’s always been so. You’ve served there — I served in Congress. And there’s always going to be someone who has a different view, and we accept that. We have spent enormous numbers of hours up there — I do. Secretary Powell does. Others in the administration, briefing Senators, briefing House members, briefing staff members. And overwhelmingly they’ve been appreciative of those briefings and felt that they were helpful. We’ve sent up intelligence briefing people on a regularly weekly basis. I think probably there’s been more information back and forth in this conflict during Iraq and Afghanistan than in any conflict in the history of the country.
Now, when people are having their constituents killed, and they see things happening that worry them, understandably they’re going to be worried and concerned about it, and I accept that. And these are tough issues. These are not easy issues. And the fact that there are a variety of views in Congress simply reflects the country. There are a variety of views in the country. And that’s understandable.”