I’m watching Bill Richardson on Meet the Press right now, and Tim Russert is doing a great job of making it clear that this guy is all over the map and not worth any serious consideration for President in 2008.
OMG. He just said he couldn’t address the immigration bill he opposes because he’s been on the road campaigning and hasn’t actually read it yet. You’ve got to be kidding me.
I mean – I agree that it sucks – and there’s lots of easy reasons to give that explain why, and I haven’t read the damn thing, and even I could do that. What is with this guy?
He’s done some interesting things in the past that I agree with, that I wish I had enough time to link to right now. He’s not a “bad guy.” But he ain’t it for 2008!
That about covers it. I have it on tape, of course, if you need it. But why would you? 🙂
Category Archives: Meet The Press Archive
Newt on MTP – And Why isn’t anybody outraged?
So the Repubs have brought out the big guns to deal with its latest scandal of having spent the last three years constructing a massive phone surveillance program of every phone call made by everybody in the country:
Newt Gingrich was on Meet the Press yesterday morning.
According to Newt, yes they are spying on us, and it’s for our own good, and we shouldn’t let “libertarian concerns” about civil rights detract from the government’s #1 job of hunting down terrorists.
So if you’re one of those mamby pambies who’s worried about your civil liberties, fine. But he says that 90% of American’s want to catch terrorists…so, basically, whose side are you on anyway?
The trouble with Newt Gingrich is that he’s so good at making insane reasoning sound reasonable.
Newt, like Colin, is a good soldier. He stepped in to help his team in its hour of need and I’m sure his efforts will prove most effective in calming the storm.
So I just want to ask everybody: Where’s the outrage people?
They’re spying on us – all the time – every day. And they’ve been doing it for three years — and they’re still doing it right now.
Doesn’t this bother anybody?
Is anybody there!
MP3s Now Available Of Meet The Press Interviews Of Rove and Rummy
I’ve been shaping up my library a bit. Going through old hard drives and making sure that I have uploaded things before I clear off my drive.
What I’m actually finding is a file or two I forgot to upload, or sets of video files I forgot to generate MP3s for. So…
That’s what I did today: generated MP3s of Rove and Rummy on Meet The Press:
Rummy on Meet The Press – February 6, 2005
Rummy MP3s (MP3s)
Rummy Videos (Videos)
Rove on Meet the Press – November 7, 2004
Rove MP3s
Rove Videos
Condi Rice: “I am not a lawyer, but…” – Condi Rice On Meet The Press
This is from the December 18, 2005 program of Meet the Press.
Here is a link to MTP Condi Rice video and mp3s Of Her Meet The Press Interview
it’s still uploading as of 3:30pm on sunday the 18th. If it’s close to then, it’s still uploading…
I’m just watching this mornings Meet the Press with Condi Rice. Tim Russert is drilling her accordingly on why G.W. Bush isn’t violating the same laws that Nixon violated when he authorized secret wire tapping.
She pauses, struggles with her answer for a moment (although she does get one out) and then she ends it with “I am not a lawyer.”
She says it again later. (“Again, Tim, I am not a lawyer.”)
Well hey. If you’re not a lawyer, I guess there’s no need for you to understand it completely.
Even if you are Secretary of State for the United States of America. You have people that handle that for you.
“I’m not going to talk about my role as National Security Advisor …which of course is not a constitutionally confirmed role.”
What does that even mean?
The bottom line is that Bush authorized some wire tapping (without getting a proper warrant) and she knew about it.
I’m way behind on this one guys. I just got here.
But I’ll have her interview for ya in a few 🙂
Oh wait. this is good:
Tim Russert: “Where in the Constitution does it say the President can eavesdrop, wiretap American citizens, without a court order?”
Condi Rice: “Tim. The President has authorities under FISA, which we are using and using actively. He also has constitutional authorities that derive from his role as Commander in Chief and his need to protect the country. He has acted within his Constitutional authority and within his statutory authority.”
Howard Dean On Meet The Press
This is from May 22, 2005.
Video – Howard Dean On Meet The Press – Parts 1-6
Audio – Howard Dean On Meet The Press – Parts 1-6
Meet The Press Covers The Incompetence Of The New Orleans “Rescue”
Here’s Aaron Broussard, President, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana on Meet the Press from yesterday morning, September 4, 2005.
Here’s an article about it in the Kansas City Star.
Video (Crooks and Liars)
My archive of this video
Tim Russert: First Mr. President Broussard. Let me start with you. You just heard the Director of Homeland Security’s explanation of what has happened this last week. What is your reaction?
Aaron Broussard: “The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina will go down as one of the worst abandonment of Americans on American soil ever in U.S. history.”
Rumsfeld On Meet the Press – February 6, 2005
This is from the February 6, 2005 program of Meet the Press.
Update 2/8/05: I’ve broken it down into 2 halfs, and made MP3s of it
I still have to break this down into smaller clips, but I wanted to make complete video and audio available for press folks and things that might need it asap.
Basically, Tim Russert is ruthless with the flinging of the fact.
Rummy loses it a couple time, although he quickly recovers. He admits that he may have “mis spoke” a couple times, and disregards those facts and figures that he wasn’t prepared to respond to.
I will be putting up smaller clips and better analysis soon, promise.
For now, this stuff is here:
Video Of Rumsfeld On Meet The Press
Karl Rove On Meet The Press
This is from the November 7, 2004 program.
Karl Rove On Meet The Press (Parts 1-3) (19 MB, 18 MB, 9 MB)
Condi Rice On Meet The Press – August 8, 2004
This is from the August 8, 1004 program of
Meet the Press.
I’ve got it in two parts, and three parts (for those of you with less bandwidth) here.
The files are named accordingly:
Condi Rice On Meet The Press
I haven’t had a chance to examine this too closely. I just wanted to get it up in a timely manner for those of you who need the footage for your various projects.
One thing that did stand out was Condi’s insistance that they had very specific “casing reports” with regard to specific terrorist targets. This contradicts what Tom Ridge was saying a few weeks ago that they had no specifics whatsoever.
Also of interest is a question from Tim Russert about 4 minutes 50 seconds in, where he asks Condi head on if she feels whatever we accomplished over there was worth the lives of over 6,000 Iraqi’s and 1,000+ soldiers that were “officially” killed in the process. (This reminds me that I need to post a Bill Moyers story on how 1,000’s of American soldier casualties aren’t being included in the reports because they happen during “non-combat” situations. Like all the suicide bombings – soldiers killed in those don’t count…Somebody remind me if I don’t get this up in the next few days, ok? – Update 8/12/04 – someone found a link to the entry and real video of the show. (Thanks, Sol!) )
Bit Torrent Files Of Colin Powell Clips
a bit torrent file of the clip where Powell answers some heavy WMD questions and gets into a fight with his press aide.
Here are the bit torrent files for the other two clips:
Part One
Part Two
If you don’t have a bit torrent client,
get one here.