Category Archives: Law And Technology Of DRM 2003

Q and A With Felten and Lessig At Law And Tech of DRM 2003 Panel

Here’s the Q and A session that followed the presentations I posted earlier from Felten and Lessig.
It’s full of the usual jewels of wisdom and insight that tend to show up when these two are around. Plus, food for thought from Hal Albeson and Hewlett-Packard’s John Erickson.
Q and A With Felten, Lessig, Albeson and Erickson – Part 1 of 2 (Small – 16 MB)
Q and A With Felten, Lessig, Albeson and Erickson Part 2 of 2 (Small – 12 MB)
Here’s a transcript.

Lawrence Lessig At Law And Technology Of DRM 2003

Larry explains why he feels we need to reframe the problem of DRM because a lot of really smart people have been working on it “forever” to no avail. He talks about the three kinds of copyright holders out there: those who want “none” “some” or “all” of their rights protected and the different ways in which Creative Commons addresses the needs of the “somes” and “nones” that have been virtually ignored up until now.
He also talks a bit about the Eldred case.
Lawrence Lessig – Part 1 of 2 (Small – 16 MB)
Lawrence Lessig – Part 2 of 2 (Small – 15 MB)
Lawrence Lessig – Complete (Small – 31 MB)
No Hi-res at this time – Coming soon…

Audio – Lawrence Lessig – Complete (MP3 – 20 MB)
Here’s a transcript.

Public Domain Dedication

This work is dedicated to the
Public Domain. (Take it and run, baby!)

Ed Felten Explains How Black Boxes Interfere With Effective Public Policy

A number of distinguished organizations sponsored the Law and Technology of DRM conference that took place February 27 – March 1, 2003.
This presentation by Ed Felten is a real mind blower. The public is expected to tolerate the use of black box technologies in situations where doing so cannot possibly be in our best interest to do so, such as electronic voting machine systems.
The stills below explain a bit about this, but you’ll really want to listen to the whole thing for yourself. Please do. It’s really important that we all start taking this stuff very seriously so that we can start making our representatives aware of the current intolerable situation.
Ed Felten – Part 1 of 2 (Small – 10 MB)
Ed Felten – Part 2 of 2 (Small – 8 MB)
Ed Felten – Complete (Small – 17 MB)
Ed Felten – Complete (Hi-Res – 226 MB)
Audio – Ed Felten – Complete (MP3 – 12 MB)
Here’s a transcript.

Public Domain Dedication

This work is dedicated to the
Public Domain. (Take it and run, baby!)