Category Archives: Human Rights

Another Icky Situation With Google Handing Over Private Info

I don’t really feel informed enough about the situation to say anything too useful. But suffice to say, it ain’t too cool, and I’m concerned.
I’ve already expressed my concerns in a song a few years ago [lyrics]. Same company, different country, and in many ways, same shit, different day. This is becoming the rule, and not the exception, for technology companies, nowadays.
What do we do when using technology to support over zealous government authorities is just “good business?”
What do we do when it’s a company like Google. Who, arguably, none of us could live without?
(Hey, I’m just speaking for myself.)
I don’t have any answers. Sorry. Just concerns.

Maybe a little evil: Google outs Indian man to authorities

By Jacqui Cheng, for Ars Technica.

An Indian man was arrested over the weekend for allegedly posting derogatory and vulgar content about Indian politician Sonia Gandhi on Google’s social networking site, Orkut. 22-year-old Rahul Krishnakumar Vaid had posted his comments in an Orkut community called “I hate Sonia Gandhi” through an Orkut account associated with his Gmail account. With Google’s help, local authorities were able to verify Vaid’s identity and make the arrest…
Google admitted today that it had forked over Vaid’s information after it was requested by Indian law enforcement. A spokesperson for Google told IDG News Service that, while the company is committed to protecting user privacy, it must obey local laws and legal processes.

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Cool New Library Of Human Rights Resources: Human Rights

Hey I just got an email with some important information about a new website for Human Rights Resources. It looks pretty useful:

Human Rights Tools

We would like to tell you about a new website for human rights professionals called
Human Rights Tools.
It offers four services:
1. A library of carefully selected and commented resources:

You will find:
– monitoring and fact-finding tools, advocacy tools and other essential resources
for human rights work
– thematic resources on the protection of detainees, human rights defenders,
refugees, and more
– the top online databases for resources on human rights law, refugee law and
humanitarian law
… and much more. We have even set up a section called “Your career” where you will
find job vacancies and training opportunities:

2. Key resources for country analysis:

To rapidly establish the human rights profile of a particular country and to
facilitate analysis and follow-up of developments, you can draw on a number of
resources listed here: the situation in terms of human rights, political and
conflict analysis, the economics, the legal instruments which that country has
ratified, and human rights-relevant news.
3. Daily updated human rights headlines:

This page will provide you with fresh human rights news from a selection of top
sources – all on one convenient page and updated automatically every time you visit.
We currently list headlines from the following sources: Human Rights Watch, Amnesty,
FIDH, Human Rights Listings, Reliefweb, Inter Press Service. Be sure to bookmark
this page!
4. Our newsletter:
If you are interested in receiving updates on new tools and resources, then
subscribe to our newsletter – we have several exciting issues in the pipeline: