More info here.
There’s an interesting collection of old friends (and one new one) at this event Tuesday night, so I’m gonna try to make it.
I’ve known RU for years before we ever started working together (via Ron Turner at Last Gasp, who published the graphic novel I edited for Timothy Leary — Link to phone message from him about the book that I love to link to 🙂
Recently, I co-hosted an RU Sirius show last October with guest Dan the Automator w/RU and Jeff Diehl — and also produced the Songs From the Commons Podcasts from 2006 for RU’s
Meanwhile, I just reconnected with Howard Rheingold last week, after about 4 years (!) and took a nice walk out on Mt. Tamalpias, and talked about Second Life, Twitter and Facebook for two hours (and inspired Howard to increase his twittering i think 🙂
BoingBoing’s David Pescovitz I know well from the old days with Cory when he lived here in San Francisco, and thus I have not seen David for years – so I can’t wait to…and…
Jamais Cascio has been a great twitter friend for a few weeks now that I look forward to finally meeting in person…
Let’s see if I can make it out of my cave Tuesday night!
See you there!
Category Archives: Friends
Kent Bye On Speaking Out
Kent Bye just recently relocated to San Francisco from Maine, and the Bay Area will never be the same 🙂
Just found this cool vid of Kent Bye and Jay Dedman walking through San Francisco discussing the role of citizen journalism’s influence on big media and their continued state of denial regarding its obvious impact.
Translation: Turns out that people’s opinions do matter after all!
Update 4/13/07 – Kent explained to me that “That vid is actually from NYC way back in October of 2005. 🙂
Jay shot it and was cleaning up his archives during VBW07”
Kevvy’s On the Cover of the SF Chronicle
Front Page of the Sunday Chronicle Baby!
My pal Kevin Burton on the cover of the SF chronicle…the article discusses the new Web 2.0-ish model of just working out of coffeehouses, rather than renting office space…
Chris Paine On The Daily Show
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I knew Chris Paine way back in 1993, when I was working with him on Telemorphix’s 21st Century Vaudeville.
He was a really sweet, smart, and very creative guy with big ideas about everything. Nice to see him pull it all together to create his little masterpiece, Who Killed the Electric Car?. |
Chris Paine On The Daily Show (Quicktime, 15 MB)
Dabble Record for this interview
Re-Analyze 911 with RU Sirius — Live!
WHAT: 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Debate
WHO: The RU Sirius Show
WHERE: Off-Market Theater, 965 Mission Street (at 5th), San Francisco
WHEN: Sunday, September 10, 2PM
Over the last year, RU Sirius and Jeff Diehl have been hosting the amazing RU Sirius Show, a weekly podcast that launched in June 2005 as part of The MondoGlobo Network. It
A Disenfranchised Heather Gold Speaks For A Lot Of Us
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Heather Gold explains (in graphic detail) what Bush would have to do to actually be impeached.
But first, she accurately expresses the feeling of disenfranchisement that many Americans feel these days at being powerless to stop or do anything to hold the Shrub responsible for his illegal actions. In this case, feeling helpless after finding out that the Shrub personally authorized Scooter Libby to conduct the treasonous act of leaking the identity CIA agent Valerie Plame’s identity to the press, and realize no one’s going to do a damn thing about it. But Heather, take heart, Patrick Fitzgerald may be on the case! |
Young Directors Get The Spotlight At The Berkeley Rep This Weekend
Steve‘s daughter Genevieve is directing a play Saturday night at the Berkeley Rep. The Chronicle gave it a great review in last weeks pinkie.
Doors open at 7:30. Two one-act plays. Joey Buttafuoco is first, then the other one after a 10-minute intermission.
Teen Council’s Target
danah boyd On The Oreilly Factor
Danah was on Oreilly Factor and Bill actually wasn’t a complete dick. Go figure 🙂
Wow. They call her a cultural anthropologist. Looks pretty cool on the screen. That’s fer sure.
Nice job Danah.
(Hey I wanna be a cultural anthropologist! Maybe I can call myself that when I finish my masters…)
Update! Hey I’m not trying to be a smartass! I’m just jealous 🙂
Sure, Danah looks like an ordinary anthropologist in this clip. But the few times I’ve met her, not long ago, she always had an extra sparkley dress or stripey pants or a huge floppy hat or something far from ordinary. It’s like she’s gone undercover.
A Friend of Mine Takes A Moment To Remember His Friend
My friend Steve Michel asked me to take a sec to remember his friend. Hang in there buddy 🙂
New NeoFiles From R.U. Sirius
This just in from R.U. Sirius:
Does transhumanism suck? Will humanity be transformed in 2012? Are
smart homes stupid? Should the editor of a webzine be interviewed by
his publisher about his own book if that book is a history of counterculture?
NeoFiles Vol.1 Num.11