Category Archives: Foo Camp 2003

Foo Camp Interviews: Brandon Wiley

Brandon is creating a P2P gaming engine for serverless mass multiplayer online role playing games called “Gnosis.” He’s also creating a streaming webcast server called Alluvium that he’ll be releasing at CodeCon next year. (Hey kids, it’s time for the
CodeCon Call For Papers!)
He’s also quite busy working at the Foundation for Decentralization Research.
Foo A-Z

Brandon Wiley
(Small – 6 MB)

Foo Camp Interviews: Lisa Rein

Nat Torkington turned the tables on me (or the cameras on me, as the case may be) and simply would not leave alone for several minutes. I’ve edited out some of the boring part in the middle (hope it’s not all boring 🙂
Thanks for doing this Nat. Most of the time, when I’m in historical archivist mode, I forget to capture myself for the time capsule reel.
Towards the lend of the interview, I was viciously attacked by Paul “Shmoo” Holman (Jack of All, Wireless, and Often Other Top Secret Trades). Glad I have the photographic evidence so I can make my case during the trial 🙂 Photos below of me getting roughed up below.
In all seriousness, this “shmoo” fella is one violent guy. I’ve got video of him beating up Jeremy Borenstein. And he even brags that he’s planning to do it in another clip. (Making it a premeditated attack!)
Anyway, this is from October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z

Lisa Rein – Complete
(Small – 27 MB)

Lisa Rein – Part 1 of 2
(15 MB)

Lisa Rein – Part 2 of 2
(13 MB)