Category Archives: Foleygate

Foleygate Playlists to Help You Keep It All Straight

I’ve created a bevy of playlists on the Foleygate scandal, so you can watch them in order or skip around to the coverage from different days, or browse by show, or whatever.
I have Foleygate playlists for MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann, Jon Stewart’s Daily Show and Stephen Colbert’s Colbert Report, and for different variations on all three shows, by date mainly. These three are the only shows really covering what happened and who was involved.
What’s going on, of course, is even worse than was originally believed. It turns out that numerous people went to House Leader Dennis Hastert and told him about Foley’s ongoing problem with sending pages both sexually explicit emails and emails that were just kinda creepy (but you got what he was getting at).
The Republican Leadership had known about it for years, and were covering it up for political reasons.
Here are all the Foleygate Playlists
I’m about to add a bunch more clips from this last week over the weekend.

Foleygate Is Upon Us

As usual, Tailrank has a nice memepage about it from the blogosphere.
It’s quite a tangled cover-up. One that stretches far and wide across the Republican party. I’ve been collecting footage and actually trying to figure out how everyone’s connected and such. They’re turning on each other so fast, it’s hard to keep up.
So I’ll be posting up pieces of the puzzle, and some lists and maps and diagrams and things, so we can sort it all out.
The important part of the story is clear: Republican leaders made a conscious decision to keep quiet about Foley’s pedophilia, and they did it for political reasons and personal gain.
Just when I thought these guys couldn’t sink any lower. Now kids are fair game.
And they were trying to cover it up straight through to the end. Some of them were trying to strike a deal with ABC news – to give them an exclusive on Foley’s resignation if they just wouldn’t mention the emails.
It makes me wonder how many other deals like that with the media have been made over the last 6 years.
Oh well — in this case, ABC News held out! Thanks ABC News 🙂
Here’s the
ABC News Blog story
that got the ball rolling.
ps. I knew the Repubs/Fox News were going to start bringing up Clinton/Lewinsky too, but it isn’t a fair comparison, because they were two consenting adults (she was 22!) — end of story.
pps. Now Fox News has Foley as a (D) Democrat when they show any clips of him!
wow! that’s good! (More on this soon!)