Category Archives: Fight RAVE

Call Your Senators: Help Stop Biden From Sneaking RAVE Act Into Unrelated Legislation

Okay I guess I have to make a few phone calls before I get to my homework this morning.
The ACLU has just released the following Alerts:

From: Matt Howes, National Internet Organizer, ACLU
To: ACLU Action Network Members
Date: April 7, 2003
Oppose the Culture War on Raves
Members of both the House and Senate are attempting to pervert proper legislative processes by appending two unrelated provisions to the popular Amber Alert measure. One of the two provisions would target raves — a social event that mixes electronic music, light shows and dancing; the other provision would seek to limit the discretion of federal judges.
The rave provision would make building owners liable for their tenants’ and customers’ activities. For example, even if they instituted excellent security precautions, restaurant, bar, nightclub, dance and music venue owners could all be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars and forced into bankruptcy if a customer sneaked in drugs. No matter how much security is put in place, they could be held responsible for the actions of just one customer.
The federal sentencing provision would require the Justice Department to report to Congress every time federal judges use their discretion to impose a lower sentence than recommended under federal sentencing guidelines. This would intimidate judges and prevent them from using their judgement when handing down sentences.
These anti-civil liberties amendments should have full legislative review and not be allowed to piggyback on more popular, yet unrelated, legislation.
Take Action! Click here for more information and to urge proper legislative process for these provisions:


Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) is at this very moment attempting to sneak
the RAVE Act into conference committee on the National AMBER Alert
Network Act of 2003 (S151). S151 is a popular bill about child
abduction and has nothing to do with drug issues. S151 has already
been passed by the Senate and House and is now in Conference. In
contrast, the RAVE Act has not passed even one single committee this
year. It did pass a committee last year, but was so controversial
two Senators withdrew their sponsorship after the vote.
This means that if the RAVE Act passes the conference committee, it
is likely to become law without ever having a hearing, a debate or a
vote. Drug Policy Alliance has been told that Senator Biden has told
other conference committee members, incorrectly, that the ACLU is no
longer in opposition to the action. He also has told conferees that
nightclub owners now support him (on the basis of one group that
switched sides). If the act makes it into the conference language it
is likely to become law. It must be stopped now.
PHONE YOUR SENATORS and Conference Committee Members (Background
information below). DO IT NOW. If you do not respond to this alert,
the controversial RAVE Act is likely to become law and it will be
much harder to fix.
1. The following Members of Congress are on the conference
committee. They need to hear from you IF AND ONLY IF you live in
their district. Please be polite. Just tell them that you oppose
the RAVE Act, that it is controversial and it should not be included
in the conference language of S151. Don’t stay on the phone long.
Ask as many people as you can to call them.
James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) – 202/225-5101
Howard Coble (R-NC) – 202/225-3065
Lamar Smith (R-TX) – 202/225-4236
Mark Green (R-WI)- 202/225-5665
Melissa Hart (R-PA)- 202/225-2565
John Conyers (D-MI) – 202/225-5126
Bobby Scott (D-VA) – – 202/225-8351
Orrin Hatch (R-UT) – 202/224-5251
Charles Grassley (R-IA) – 202/224-3744
Jeff Sessions (R-AL) – 202/224-4124
Lindsey Graham (R-SC) – 202/224-5972
Patrick Leahy (D-VT) – 202/224-4242
Ted Kennedy (D-MA) – 202/224-4543
Joseph Biden (D-DE) – 202/224-5042
2. Everyone in the U.S. – You have two Senators who can weigh in on
this issue with the conferees. A list of your Senators by state can
be found at
Please call your Senators at the Capitol Switchboard at 202/224-3121 –
please tell them that the RAVE Act is very controversial. Senator
Biden is holding up the AMBER Act by placing controversial bill in
conference. Urge them to oppose the RAVE Act by contacting the
Senate conferees and asking them to leave it off the measure so that
there will at least be a hearing on this issue.
Congress is considering two pieces of legislation that could create
disincentives for club owners to have water, ambulances and
paramedics available at large dance events. The bills might also
threaten live music and dancing. If enacted, either bill could
prevent you from hearing your favorite band or DJ live. Every musical
style would be affected, including rock and roll, Hip Hop, country,
and electronic music. The proposed laws could also shut down hemp
festivals, circuit parties, and other events government officials
don’t like. Both bills would allow overzealous prosecutors to send
innocent people to jail for the crimes of others.
The two bills are the RAVE Act (H.R. 718) and the CLEAN-UP Act (H.R.
834). The RAVE Act was first introduced last year in the Senate by
Senator Joe Biden (D-DE). A House version was introduced by Rep.
Lamar Smith (R-TX). Thanks to the support of thousands of voters like
you, Drug Policy Alliance and a coalition of friends and activists
around the country was able to stop both bills last year.
Unfortunately, supporters of the RAVE Act are even more determined to
pass it this year. Rep. Howard Coble (R-NC) is sponsoring a new RAVE
Act in the House. Additionally, Senator Biden has introduced a Senate
version entitled the Illicit Drugs Anti-Proliferation Act.
If enacted, the RAVE Act would make it easier for the federal
government to punish property owners for any drug offense that their
customers commit – even if they work hard to stop such offenses. If
enacted, nightclub and stadium owners would likely stop holding
events – such as rock or Hip Hop concerts – in which even one person
might use drugs.
The CLEAN-UP Act was also first introduced last year, but it failed
to make it out of committee. This year’s bill has over 60 co-sponsors
and could become law without your help. Sponsored by Rep. Doug Ose (R-
CA), the Clean, Learn, Educate, Abolish, and Undermine Production
(CLEAN-UP) of Methamphetamines Act is largely an innocuous bill that
provides more money and training for the clean up of illegal
methamphetamine lab. Hidden within the bill, however, is a draconian
section that could make dancing and live music federal crimes.
Section 305 of the CLEAN-UP Act stipulates that:
`Whoever, for a commercial purpose, knowingly promotes any rave,
dance, music, or other entertainment event, that takes place under
circumstances where the promoter knows or reasonably ought to know
that a controlled substance will be used or distributed in violation
of Federal law or the law of the place where the event is held, shall
be fined under title 18, United States Code, or imprisoned for not
more than 9 years, or both.’
This provision will allow any concert promoter, event organizer,
nightclub owner and arena or stadium owner to be fined and jailed,
since a reasonable person would know some people use drugs at musical
Under both the RAVE Act and the CLEAN-UP Act, it doesn’t matter if
the event promoter and property owner try to prevent people from
using drugs. Nor does it matter if the vast majority of people
attending the event are law-abiding citizens that want to listen to
music not do drugs. If enacted, either bill could be used to shut
down raves, circuit parties, marijuana rallies, unpopular music
concerts, and any other event federal officials don’t like.
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For problems, please contact Jeanette Irwin at .
Please join the Drug Policy Alliance:

RAVE ACT Back Burnered For Now!

The Rave Act Has Been Stopped for the time being.

Recognizing that the RAVE Act was a threat to free speech, public health, and innocent business owners, the Drug Policy Alliance launched a major campaign to stop it from becoming law.
* In conjunction with Dance Safe, the Drug Policy Alliance launched a fax campaign that sent over 35,000 faxes to the Senate in opposition to the RAVE Act. Thousands of voters also called and wrote their Senators and urged them to vote against it.
* The Drug Policy Alliance worked with groups around the country – like ROAR (Ravers Organized Against the RAVE Act), Blackkat, AuraSF and Freedom to Dance – to hold organized protests against the RAVE Act in major cities, including protests in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York and a rave on the lawn of Congress in Washington, DC.
* We launched an aggressive legislative and media campaign that criticized the RAVE Act in the media and educated Members of Congress on the dangers of the bill. The campaign garnered national attention, with news articles across the country, including the Oakland Tribune and the Washington Post. Alliance staff warned voters about the RAVE Act and spurned them to action on radio stations from California to New York.
So successful was our campaign, two of the original RAVE Act co-sponsors dropped their support for the bill (including the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee). The House Subcommittee on Crime refused to even vote on the House version of the bill. Senate leadership never dared to bring the controversial Senate version up for a full Senate vote.

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Leahy Withdraws Support for Anti-Rave Bill

Great news! Senator Leahy has dropped his support for the RAVE Bill.
I’m trying to find a reference online that confirms this, but what I heard through the grapevine was that he admitted he just hadn’t read it completely.
I think it’s great that he could just admit he made a mistake, withdraw his support and move on. Thanks, Senator Leahy. (Wish list — I’m going to send him a “thank you” email (even though I’m not one of his constituents 🙂

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Analysis of RAVE by Drug Policy Alliance

Update June 24, 2003. The RAVE Act passed earlier this year when it was attached to the AMBER alert bill. Here’s an explanation about how the bill passed and what’s taken place as a result since then from the Drug Policy Alliance.
Here’s a summary
and further analysis of the RAVE Bill by the Drug Policy Alliance.
Yikes! It’s even worse than I thought!
The language of this RAVE Bill would make any citizen throwing a party liable for any drug use an ambiguously-defined general vacinity. We’re talking jail time here for someone else’s illegal activity that you had no knowledge of whatsoever.
It basically puts RAVEs under the juristiction of crack houses. As if, by definition, they were places used for the sale and manufacture of drugs.
Just the fact that “chill rooms” are cause for suspicion at a dancing venue is quite disturbing. What’s suspicious about getting hot and wanting to sit down and “chill” for a while after dancing to some great music. Dancing is a healthy activity that should be encouraged, not persecuted.

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Text of RAVE Bill

Here’s the full text of the Bill for S 2633, as painfully obtained eventually from
This bill is so totally confused about RAVE culture and what it represents, I won’t even try to defend it here. RAVE culture is the newest of the music communities and so, easier to pick on. But don’t be fooled. Any music community could be next — this law could be used to disrupt any music event, not just RAVEs.

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Right to Peaceably Assemble Jeopardized by RAVE Bill

You’ve heard me rant before about the Right to Peaceably Assemble and this importance of this right in any kind of free society.
Well, that right is coming under attack again. This time in the name of the war on drugs. Take a look at: S 2633 the “Reducing America’s Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act of 2002”.
There are some petitions (C.A.R.A. – Citizens Against the R.A.V.E. Act and A.A.R.A. – Americans Against the R.A.V.E. Act) and there will be a huge nation-wide demonstration (NY, LA, DC) on demonstrations on September 6, 2002.

The R.A.V.E. Act was introduced in the Senate on June 18th and passed the Senate Judiciary Committee a week later, without a public hearing or recorded vote. It has been placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar and could come up for a full Senate vote in September. A number of organizations including civil liberties groups, business associations, and groups associated with the rave community, are working to defeat the RAVE Act or amend it to better protect innocent business owners, free speech, and public health. Tens of thousands of voters have signed petitions, and faxed or called their Senators to oppose this Act. Protests in opposition to the RAVE Act will be held simultaneously in cities around the country, including a rave and protest on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol on September 6th.

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