The details don’t matter.
It’s all good, and I wish Dabble nothing but success 🙂
The important thing is to use from now on, for everything for me. Forever.
(And do drop me a line – this will be the first chance I’ve had to catch up with people in years!)
Category Archives: Dabble
Dabble T-shirt’s for All My Friends
Hey I forgot to let you know that I’ll send you a free “dabbler” t-shirt if you try to remember to send me a picture of you wearing it for the Dabble Blog.
Just email me at
Dabbler videos are also encouraged! We feature a
Video of the Day every day.
These usually get seen by a lot of people and get to bounce around in our popularity algorithms for a while.
The next one could be yours!
Dabble Mentioned In – Gives Mary An Honorary Professorship at CAL
So Forbes has a Mention of us in this strange “The Next YouTube” piece it ran.
Careful, when you launch the link, to look for the “stop” link right away, right above the “The Next YouTube” title, or it will start cycling through a bunch of other pages. I’m not sure what effect they’re trying for, but the one they’ve got is definitely as annoying as hell 🙂
But nevertheless, of course, nice to see Dabble mentioned in Forbes. And they seem to like us.
Oh yeah – they made Mary a Cal Professor too 🙂
the article:
Make Your Own Channel
With user-generated photos and videos pouring out of dozens of me-too sites, smart aggregation tools are an obvious next step: Someone needs to keep track of all this stuff. One such solution is Dabble, lauched by University of California-Berkeley professor Mary Hodder in July. Dabble retrieves videos from users
Nice Diebold Playlist – and New gem from Ed Felten
Nice Diebold Playlist on Dabble of 8 videos on the subject.
Check out all the other cool playlists I’ve been making at Dabble, and sign up and make one yourself!
Here’s a good one by Ed Felten and friends on their latest one minute diebold hack. | ![]() |
Dabble Featured In USA Today
Dabble was written up in USA Today!
Silicon Valley starts to party like it’s 1999
The eight employees of digital media start-up Dabble work out of a cheap office, decorated mainly with sticky notes, not far from San Francisco.
They work long hours for below-market rates. Their boss, CEO Mary Hodder, is a 39-year-old Internet expert who has never started or run a company before.
Dabble has received funding from angel investors. But it must fight dozens of other start-ups for attention. And when they finally get off work, the Dabble team grapples with heavy traffic, crowded restaurants and outrageous housing prices.
But it’s all OK, because Hodder and her crew are convinced that their company offers a compelling online service that will be a huge success – and will make their stock options pay off.
Sound a lot like 1999? Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area, the world’s technology hub, is starting to buzz again for the first time since the dot-com bust. The Valley’s infamous start-up community is coming back, thanks to Dabble and its contemporaries. New powerhouses such as Google, eBay and Yahoo are driving growth and hiring workers. Stalwarts such as Hewlett-Packard and Oracle are reporting stronger sales and posting higher stock prices.
Dabble Gets Mentioned In The Hindu
Dabble got a mention in India’s The Hindu (India’s National Newspaper).
Tracking on-line video content
Dabble (, the video search service that indexes a multitude of video hosting services such as Dailymotion, Ourmedia, YouTube and so on is another excellent tool for identifying video content.
GQ/Details Online Recommends Dabble
Hey even GQ/Details online knows Dabble is the place to be 🙂
WEB: The hunt for the latest celebrity sex tape just got easier, thanks to, a just-launched clearinghouse for more than 240 Web video sites (including Google Video, YouTube, ClipShack, etc.).
Pretty funny considering the search celebrity sex tape only actually delivers 2 search results…
Dabble Called A “Cool 2.0 Website” In the SF Chronicle
The SF Chronicle did a roundup of cool web 2.0 sites, and we made it!
It’s by Dan Fost and Ellen Lee.
Web address:
Where they are: Berkeley
What they do: A TV Guide for Internet video, the site lets users tag and rate clips found throughout the Web. Viewers form communities based on their interests, helping sort the Web’s top videos on such topics as baking a dessert and Japanese animation.
The skinny: Even before the company’s premiere, Dabble Chief Executive Officer Mary Hodder was quoted in Newsweek and featured in a series of technology conferences. Now it must prove that it can easily help users find the gems without wading through all the junk on the Internet.
The competition: Though it counts YouTube and other online video sites as its partners, it also competes with them for attention in this crowded and popular space.
Jon Stewart’s Post 911 Monologue in Multiple Formats – A Great Dabble Example
Many of you responded to my request for Jon’s post-911 monologue. Thanks so much for your help.
It gives me a chance to explain how Dabble is a useful tool for collecting information about video clips.
I’ve created an example record here:
Jon Stewart’s Post-911 Monologue.
I had an embedded youtube video of this here, but it takes to long for the page to load, so you’ll have to click on More.
Get Your Media Information Into Dabble
Hi guys.
So you’ve heard me babbling about Dabble a lot lately, and that’s because it’s not only my new job, it’s a natural progression for my continuing obsession with building a giant library of video information.
It’s pretty cool to be able to pay the rent doing something I already love to do: collect media.
That said — I’d love to include your stuff! No collection of video is too large or too small, and we can import just about any variation of a structured data format!
Email me at about getting your past archive in and adding your RSS feed so we can get all your content in the future.