Category Archives: Celebrity Bitchfights

Daily Show: Syphilis Mascots – The Healthy Penis vs. Phil The Sore

The Daily Show’s Mo Rocca has really outdone himself this time!
This has got to be one of the funniest bits I’ve ever seen.
Apparently, there’s a new syphilis outbreak, and the Dept. of Health hired an advertising company to run some focus groups and find out the best way to deal with the problem.
The result: The Healthy Penis. A squeaky clean fallice with a big smile to help people understand about healthy genital hygiene. San Francisco residents responded very positively to The Healthy Penis.
Everything seemed great, until it was time for The Healthy Penis to bring the campaign down to Los Angeles. Citizens there, such as Ron Jeremy, objected to a healthy penis being used as a symbol for syphilis. As an alternative, organizations in L.A. created “Phil the Sore” to start a negative campaign using scare tactics to educate the public about syphilis, (rather than having a healthy genital representative’s positive tips and information).
This film was produced by Jim Margolis and Edited by Einar Westerlund.
This is from the August 20, 2003 program.

The Daily Show – Sore Loser
(Small – 10 MB)

The Daily Show
(The best news on television.)

Courtney Love vs. Virgin Airlines’ Flight Attendants

Foolish Courtney. 911 changed everything.
Now Flight Attendants rule the skies!
Now we have to keep them happy.
Singer Love warned after flight incident
From the BBC.

Rock star and actress Courtney Love has been released with a warning by police in London for “causing harassment, alarm and distress” on a transatlantic flight.
The 38-year-old was arrested at Heathrow Airport on Tuesday morning after allegedly being verbally abusive to cabin crew…
She told waiting reporters the “brief verbal disagreement” had been “highly exaggerated”.
She said: “I cussed at a lady – my daughter always said I had a potty mouth – I cussed at a lady named Mary, she wasn’t letting my friend into first class and I said, why are you being such a bitch about it.”
…And asked what the previous nine hours had been like inside the police station, the singer said: “It was fine. They were wonderful in there. It was like being on Prime Suspect.”

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Declan vs. Reality

From the “anything for attention” department, Declan decides to take on reality by making the argument that the DMCA’s Chilling Effect on scientific research doesn’t really exist.
Meanwhile, back on planet earth, Ed Felten, a scientist who has been personally put on ice more than once clarifies the issue — along with two other chilled out scientists: Edward D. Lazowska
(University of Washington; Co-chair, Computing Research Association
Government Affairs Committee) and Barbara Simons
(Co-chair, ACM US Public Policy Committee).
Boy that’s a relief! And all this time I thought there was a problem with the DMCA! Thanks, Declan, for putting everything into perspective!

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Salon won’t fix a glaring error in one of its premium features

Marc Perkel was interviewed by Jennifer Liberto and asked if he knew about Media Whores Online, to which he explained he didn’t. She then proceeded to print an article saying the project got started with some funding from him — and now Salon won’t amend it or pull the piece.

Here is the exact language in question:

As best can be determined, Media Whores Online originated in Tulsa, Okla., in 1996 when a self-proclaimed “ADD Catholic with an IQ of 64” began an irreverent left-leaning e-mail listserv called RL-LNW, short for “Rush Limba — Lying Nazi Whore.” Shy yet passionate, its low-profile editor, Terry Coppage, took on right-wing agendas with cutting and often crude humor. He received some financial help from Marc Perkel, an eccentric computer programmer who ran against incumbent John Ashcroft in the 2000 Missouri Republican Senate primary, garnering 10 percent of the vote with almost no campaigning. Soon Coppage began publishing his commentaries on a Web site called Bartcop, and adopted the moniker “Bart.”

Since the HTML version of the article in question cannot be accessed by the public at large, I’ve also created a plain text version for everyone’s convenience.

Here’s the actual Letter To Salon from Marc Perkel, but he also explained some of the details to me in an email:

I talked to her as she researched the article. She came across as if she were doing a pro-media whores article and asked questions relating to how sites like were a reaction to the failures of traditional news media.

In our discussion she asked who was behind the site and I made it clear that I had no idea – which is true. We talked about – a site that I am behind and founded – with a guy in Tulsa OK in 1996 and I talked about why I was doing that.

I do think Bartcop did coin the term “Media Whore” so there was enough of a connection for this writer to deliberately confuse the facts. I think that mediawhoresonline was a bartcop inspired publication as are many sites on the web.

As best I can tell – this all started with people on CNN crossfire started arguing about who is behind MWO and made it out to be some sort of mystery or secret. This reporter who wrote the Salon piece did it from the perspective of smearing the left and to out the secret author of MWO. Having failed to get the facts as to who MWO is – she decided to out me and Terry as MWO.

Bartcop has dedicated an issue to her with links to many other sites that reacted to Salon’s story and Salon’s refusal to pull the story after Salon realized it was a false piece.

Henley Rags On Courtney

From the “and you smell bad too” department, we have Don Henley mincing no words whatsoever regarding his opinion of Ms. Love.

Check out the Vancouver Sun story by Kerry Gold:
Eagles still test the limits

As for Courtney Love, who’s also waging battle with the recording industry for the same reasons, Henley is quick to separate himself from the loud-mouthed grunge rocker turned Hollywood actor.

“She’s not a part of our group, nor do we want her to be, because she’s a pain in the ass, and she’s a loose cannon. She’s her own worst enemy.”

But Henley’s not finished.

“She’s an asshole, okay? I can’t say it any plainer than that. She is a huge asshole. She’s bright but she’s wasting it, because she’s so interested in being a personality that that is all she can think about.

“God knows we have enough image problems to overcome as it is. Artists are known for being flakey, and mindless and self absorbed… and Courtney doesn’t help us in that arena.”

Gene Simmons vs. Terry Gross

This NY Post article about Terry Gross’ interview with Gene Simmons is really misleading. I heard this interview over the air live as it was taking place, and these quotes were taken totally out of context, not to mention out of order.

The article also misrepresents the facts surrounding why recordings and transcripts of the interview are not available, saying “The interview was apparently so controversial that NPR has declined to make it available on its Website where it posts at least portions of nearly all other interviews that appear on “Fresh Air,” one of its most popular daily shows.”

A quick search on the NPR website reveals that “Simmons declined to give permission for this Web site to offer audio of his interview, or sell tapes or transcripts of it.

Now that we’ve got the facts straight, I will agree that Simmons’ behavior was rather surprising. I remember running into the next room to tell my friend when it happened — but that was due to my disbelief in what Simmons’ was saying, not my shock at Terry Gross’ reaction to it, which was completely professional.

Gross didn’t so much as raise her voice throughout the entire exchange. She conducted herself in her usual polite manner. Towards the end, she stopped speaking entirely, and just let Simmons babble away until the time ran out.

Simmons was a hostile guest to the nth degree. He was making personal attacks about NPR and Terry Gross within the first five minutes he was on the air.

Perhaps Gross’ first question was a little pointed — something about ‘does he ever feel like he’s
hiding behind his makeup?’ But this could also been seen as a fair question, considering the title of his new book is “KISS and Makeup”. He was actually giving a great answer to that question for a little while. He was talking about the history behind Paul’s makeup, and then Ace’s makeup, and then he got to his own makeup and it was like he remembered who he was and that he had to be rude or something.

Most of the interview wasn’t really about rock and roll, or women, or even the band at all. It was all about money. Simmons just could not stop talking about money: How it was the most important thing in the world. How he feels that if he has money, he can basically buy everything else — love, sex, respect, whatever. Gross finally said a single sentence like: “you think money is the most important thing there is, huh?”, and Simmons took it from there, for about 10 minutes straight. Why yes, he does feel that way, and Gross and the other bumpkins on NPR are idiots for not realizing that money is the most important thing in life. Etc. etc.

In conclusion, no one will ever know why Gene Simmons chose to insult NPR, its staff, and its entire listening audience instead of selling them all a couple hundred thousand books. Whatever the reason, the incident has left me a litle sad inside. I think, in part because I used to always have a more than a little respect for Gene Simmons — ever since I put my first “Rock and Roll Over” sticker on my binder in the fourth grade.

Now I wish he would just grow up little.