Category Archives: Bobby’s Turn

Let Congress Know You Don’t Oppose Gay Marriage

This just in from my pal Bobby Lilly.
Bobby’s trying to get the word out about the Million for website and petition in favor of same sex marriages.
It’s all from the Human Rights Campaign.
From Bobby: Got this request and am passing it on to friends I think might support the issue. So, if you haven’t signed the petition yet, please use the link they offer in the body of the message below and maybe pass it on to a friend.
Click the following link to sign a petition that will be delivered to Congress in favor of same sex marriage:

Human Rights Campaign/
Let’s get to a half-million by May 17

Dear Bobby,
In just 10 days, same-sex couples will be issued marriage licenses for the first time in Massachusetts. As the newlyweds celebrate their marriages, we know that our ultra-conservative opponents will use this historic moment to viciously attack them and all GLBT families.
We – all of us who support marriage equality – must demonstrate our strength and unity at this critical time. Here’s one important way you can help: Right now, almost 450,000 people have signed the Million for Marriage petition. By May 17th, we’d like to get to 500,000 – a half-million people.
Please, take a minute to think of one more person that you could persuade to stand up for equality. Click here to send them a message right now:

Or forward this e-mail to your friends and ask them to click the following link to sign the petition:

Our voices – 500,000 loud and strong — will help counter the right-wing extremists’ wave of fear and lies, and will give hope and support to the couples about to marry in Massachusetts. Thank you, as always, for your actions today.
Many thanks,
Cheryl A. Jacques President
**************************** (c)2004, Human Rights Campaign, 1640 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-3278 Phone: 202/628-4160 TTY: 202/216-1572 Fax: 202/347-5323,

Protest Against The Recall Tomorrow In Berkeley at NOON and San Francisco at 2:00 PM

Thanks again, Bobby, for being so on top of things!

I know it sounds like the Courts are going to push the recall back a few months, but there is still a week before the Supreme Court will finally decide and it is important to keep the anti-recall momentum going forward.

SO………Why don’t YOU show up at Sproul Plaza (Bancroft/Telegraph in Berkeley on the UC Campus) at noon or stop by the Third Baptist Church in SF at 2pm. (The church is at 1399 McAllister Street, at Pierce, in the Western Edition in San Francisco.)

If you want more info, the message MoveOn sent me is below.

But first, a note from Lisa (even though this is “Bobby’s Turn” 🙂
Just wanted to let you guys know that I will be going to this protest in Berkeley tomorrow.
I have just enough time between my morning and afternoon class at SFSU to take BART out to Berkeley and record the speeches and head back. So you’ll get to see the event either way. But it’s really important for there to be a huge turnout at these events, so that the Supreme Court will know how we feel and take that into account while it’s making its decision.
Jesse Jackson will be there. It ought to be really cool.
Footage will go up promptly tomorrow night. (After I get home from class at 5 and have a chance to upload it.)
Hope to see you there!

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Remembering Another September 11

This just in from
Bobby Lilly

A friend of mine sent this message to me today 9/11/03. It a poignant reminder of a history too many of us would rather forget or at least refuse to accept the lessons that it should teach us. His message is something we NEED to think about and hopefully remember the in years to come. I asked him if it was ok to post it for everyone on Lisa’s Blog and if he wanted it attributed to him
He wrote back saying, “you have my full permission to make whatever use you deem appropriate. the e-mail address should work well then people would not only know who to blame but how to respond.” — Neil.
So, here’s how to reach him, if you want:
Remembering September 11
One minute a beautiful building was there and the next it was destroyed by terrorists. The building was the symbol of an entire nation and the act of terrorism led to the death of more than 3,000 people. It all started on September 11th.
I’m talking, of course, about the bombing of Chile’s White House (La Moneda) on 9/11/73 which marked the start of a bloody coup led by General Pinochet and backed by Nixon’s CIA. Eager to get rid of a popularly elected socialist (Allende) our government assisted in the planning of the coup and looked the other way while a military dictatorship killed many of its own people.
While we bask in the righteous indignation that allows us to invade and conquer other countries based on suspicion that they might have helped terrorists strike at us let’s not forget our own place in the history of this date.
And each time some politician repeats the words ‘may we never forget’ with reference to this date let’s hope that there are a few people who manage to remember 9/11/73 as well.
neil (

More On MoveOn’s Anti-Recall Campaign

Dear Reader,
I was pleased to hear from that there were a lot of people who read Lisa’s blog who oppose the recall the way I do. Thanks to all of you who took the time to sign their petition against it.
If you haven’t already done so, why not take one minute to go to the following link and sign up NOW.
click here is also involved in some very creative organizing around this issue as well as others.
Click on the link below to go to their website and print out a request for an absentee ballot form for YOUR county. Fill it out and send it in to your county registrar – they will provide the address to send it to right on the form.

They had the brilliant idea of using the idea of Flash Mobs for organizing activities like handing out these registrations. If you want to spend a couple of hours this Saturday working on this issue, check out the link below.
click here
Well, that’s all I have time for today but, I promise I’ll be back with things YOU can do to make change happen.
Bobby Lilly

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A Note From Bobby Re: FCC’s Media Ownership Changes

Dear People,
For a long time, I’ve wanted to find some way to spread the word about issues I care about and let people know that there are simple ways to get involved and make a difference. So, as long as Lisa is willing to let me be a guest blogger, I see my mission as, not only to alert you to issues I care about but to provided ways you can DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
So here’s todays concern:
I’m on the mailing list They just sent a letter letting me know that their campaign to roll back the FCC’s recent rules changes needs everyone’s help and I thought I’d pass on their concerns to those of you not already on their mailing list. They need to put more pressure on the Senate in the next few days to get them to vote to roll back the recent FCC’s changes that would allow a few big companies to control our country’s airways.
So far their campaign efforts have been able to make our legislators rethink an issue big media thought they had in their pocket. Even if you’ve signed something before, now is a critical time to stand up and oppose their attempts to grab the public airways for their own. So, if you care about the issue too, please join me and other Moveon members in letting Congress know now by signing their petition at:
The letter they asked me to send to all my friends reads as follows (with slight modification by me ;-):
Later this week or early next week, the Senate will likely take up its last major vote on media reform, and it’ll be very close. After a grassroots groundswell tipped the balance toward rolling back the FCC rule change that would allow greater media concentration, lobbyists from big media conglomerates have been working around the clock to tip it back.
On Wednesday, will be holding a crucial press conference with Senator Dorgan (D-ND) and Senator Snowe (R-ME) and groups across the political spectrum to highlight the broad opposition to the FCC rule change. MoveOn needs to show that over 100,000 people have voiced their demand that the Senate vote to roll back the rule change. Please help us reach 100,000 signers by this Wednesday — you can join us in signing at:
Together, we can make sure that America’s media is diverse, competitive, and balanced.
The final steps: Volunteer: We need your help. If you have some time to give, press here.
Donate: If you can’t give time, can you make a financial contribution to support this campaign?
Thanks for the support,
Bobby Lilly

Join Against The California Recall

This just in from my pal
Bobby Lilly

Dear Lisa,
I got a notice from asking me to sign a petition opposing the California Recall. You and I both know it’s a power grab by the Republicans blaming a relatively unpopular governor for stuff HE didn’t do and inflaming the political process just because some of them couldn’t stand to LOSE the last election.
I signed to show my opposition to this misuse of the Recall process which I believe should be used against serious malfeasance by an elected official not just because someone had the money it took and thought they could get away with it.
I hope there are a lot more people out there besides the two of us willing to take the time to oppose this Recall which has become a media circus and just another reason for the rest of the country to dismiss Californians as kooks. People need to be educating themselves about the unreality of the charges against Davis and realize that changing leadership at this point is NOT going to make the economic woes of this state (which are very similar to the problems states all across the country are facing) any better and all of us who believe it is WRONG need to be sure we are registered and get to the polls and VOTE it down.
In the meantime, I’m writing to ask you to join me in signing a “Recall No! Democracy Yes!” pledge to defeat the California recall AND pass it on. Click here to sign:

This is the message Moveon sent to me:
If the recall succeeds, it will set a dangerous precedent for the whole country. A far-right businessman spent 1.7 million dollars to bring us the recall campaign, and has thrown California into chaos. GOP leaders who should have condemned the recall instead cheered it on, hoping they could gain from the unraveling of our democracy. We can’t stand by and let this happen. These attacks on democracy are not a California issue or a Texas issue or a Florida issue — we all must step forward together and make it clear that elections will be honored in this country. This pledge is a national effort to mobilize one million California voters in the recall election. Please sign the pledge no matter where you live and please ask friends and family in California to sign the pledge and to remember to vote October 7.

Thank you.

Lisa’s voting against the recall and for Cruz Bustamante.

Teens Charged With Raping Each Other While Engaging In Consensual Sex

Ed Note: I’m going to start including a few guest entries in my blog from a couple of friends of mine in an attempt to expand my blog’s content a bit to cover other important issues without my having to do too much extra work! I hope you will find them interesting. The first is an entry from Bobby Lilly about a frightening situation where teens are actually being prosecuted for raping each other while engaging in consensual sex.–lr
Thanks Lisa,
I’ve always wanted a forum like this but haven’t had the time to set up my own blog so I’m thrilled to be here. I do want to warn your readers though that, while the provided link to the FFE speakers network gives them a lot of information about who I am and my concerns, it still shows me as the chairperson of Californians Against Censorhip Together even though Cal-Act no longer exists. It was an interesting ride for more than a decade though 😉 and for all too many years my life revolved around my political work
Now days, things are different. I’ve got an internet job working on-line from my office at home and I finally have the time to try to master the world of digital photography and be the artist I’ve always dreamed of becoming. These days I have to confess to being a Photoshop-aholic and I am just another activist working with a variety of groups on a variety of issues but not the political junky I once was.
For years, I focused on the importance of sexual speech and still consider myself a sex positive feminist even though those terms may be out of fashion these days. But both sexual speech AND sex itself still need someone defend it from prudery and speak the truth about it. There is still a crying need for sexual sanity in the US today.
A friend passed on the following story which I think deserves much more publicity and, hopefully, a demonstration of outrage from all of us to the paper which had this article, if not in larger venues as well:
Take a look at: Teens have right to have sex, lawyer argues
By Jamaal Abdul-Alim for the Journal Sentinel.
While it may seem ridiculous for any prosecutor to charge teens with rape for engaging in consensual sexuality, it is both a travesty of justice and a tragedy of the first order that this nation’s legal system has been so co-opted (or should I say corrupted) by an anti-sexual mentality/morality that children were charged with RAPE for innocent sexual exploration.
I can only hope that situations like this will raise an alarm that finally wakens the American people from their passive acquiescence to the nightmare of our legal system being hijacked by extremists on both the left and the right for their own political agendas. This should outrage us all.
The prosecutor deserves to be booted out of her position for her callous treatment of two ‘troubled’ (i.e., rebellious) teens. I can’t believe she dared to tell the press, “The reason I charged this case was because of their attitude,” Kornblum says. “I believe they had to be brought before an authority.” “Not to punish the children,” she said, “but to help them through various court-ordered services.”
Yah, sure that’s WHY she charged them with RAPE!!!…she should be ashamed of herself. Prudery, whether on behalf of the sex-negative left or the anti-sex religious right, runs rampant in this country these days and has harmed too many of us in too many ways to list here. It has to end.
So, why don’t you take the five minutes it will take to write a letter to the on-line edition of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel right now at: and DO something about it.

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