Category Archives: Anti-War In Iraq Music

John Cougar Mellencamp Releases Anti-war Song

And he’s giving it away for free! (just like the beasties)
Updated June 15, 2003 – The Video has been released
To Washington
By John Cougar Mellencamp

Eight years of peace and prosperity
Scandal in the White House
An election is what we need
From coast-to-coast to Washington
So America voted on a president
No one kept count
On how the election went
From Florida to Washington
Goddamn, said one side
And the other said the same
Both looked pretty guilty
But no one took the blame
From coast-to-coast to Washington
So a new man in the White House
With a familiar name
Said he had some fresh ideas
But it’s worse now since he came
From Texas to Washington
And he wants to fight with many
And he says it’s not for oil
He sent out the National Guard
To police the world
From Baghdad to Washington
What is the thought process
To take a humans life
What would be the reason
To think that this is right
From heaven to Washington
From Jesus Christ to Washington

Beasties Post Anti-War Song!

I was wondering who was going to be the first popular musical act to write a song taking a stand against the war. Turns out it’s one of my favorites!
Thanks guys! I love you for this.
In A World Gone Mad
Now we all have to start calling radio stations to demand
request that they play this song!
Check out the lyrics!

Mirrors, smokescreens and lies