Category Archives: Adventures In Hacktivism – Worldview

200,000 In London Protest Against The Shrub

Here are some pictures Simon Perry posted of the event.

200,000 March Against Bush in London

By Naveed Raja for The Mirror.

A massive demonstration against George Bush drew up to 200,000 marchers on the streets of London today.
Organisers of the march, ending in a rally at Trafalgar Square, said the number was a record for any weekday protest in Britain.
With a huge police presence the Met reported no incidents of violence and the march passed off peacefully.
“This phenomenal response shows the depth of feeling of the British public towards this visit,” said a spokesman for the Stop The War Coalition.
The march started near Euston Station and went past the House of Commons and Whitehall before finishing at Trafalgar Square.
When the march passed Downing Street anti-war protesters booed and jeered at Bush and Blair inside number 10.
A huge papier mache statue of Bush was hauled down by protestors in Trafalgar Square in protest at the Iraq war.
Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic, on whose life the film Born on the Fourth of July was based, was the guest of honour.

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Japanese Lawyers Indict Shrub For War Crimes In Afghanistan

Bush ‘indicted’ over war crimes
In the Japan Times.

A group of Japanese lawyers unveiled documents Monday “indicting” U.S. President George W. Bush for
war crimes allegedly committed against the Afghan people since the United States-led coalition
began its antiterrorism campaign in Afghanistan in October 2001.
“This is an act that breaks international rules, such as the idea of (honoring) human rights, that
have been formed over so many years,” said Koken Tsuchiya, former president of the Japan Federation
of Bar Associations and head of the 11-member prosecutors’ team in the tribunal. “We decided this
case has sufficient reason to be brought to court.”
A civic tribunal will be held in Tokyo, with the first hearing scheduled for July 21.
The charges against Bush, according to the indictment, include aggression, attacks against
civilians and nonmilitary facilities and the torturing and execution of prisoners.
They said the indictment will be handed to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo next week.
The tribunal is being organized by Tokyo Zokei University professor Akira Maeda and others.

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CNN Interviews Patriotic Protester Yesterday In New York

CNN and Maria Hinojosa really came through yesterday with a slice of truth from the NY Protests that went on all day yesterday.
CNN seems particularly sensitive to accusations of the “popular media” not covering the protests properly. As a result, CNN seems to be making an extra effort to get a little real news in between the talking heads that don’t say anythiing being constantly rebroadcast on all of the other news channels.
Thanks CNN. Thank you, Maria Hinojosa! Keep up the good work!
Can this be the same CNN that put a stop to Kevin Sites’ War Blog!
CNN’s Maria Hinojosa Interviews Harriet — Complete Clip (Small – 12 MB)
CNN’s Maria Hinojosa Interviews Harriet — Complete Clip (Hi-res – 78 MB)
Audio – CNN’s Maria Hinojosa Interviews Harriet — All (MP3 – 4 MB)
Interview with Harriet (Only) (Small – 8 MB)
Audio Of Harriet (Only) (MP3- 2 MB)

Maria Hinojosa: “Your 75 years old. Why are you taking to the streets even though the War is well under way.”
Harriet: “It’s not a “War” that’s under way. It’s a “massacre” that’s under way. An “invasion” that’s under way…They’ve already given out contracts for the reconstruction to companies like Halliburton…”
Maria Hinojosa: “Do you think that the politicians in Washington will be moved by the tens of thousands of people that have come out into the streets here in New York and in other cities around the world?
Harriet: “King Bush. The resident of the White House, says he doesn’t listen to anybody. And it’s true. He may not. But we’ve got to keep coming out. And it may slow them down a little, but not much. That doesn’t matter. We’re going to get America back — for the people.”

Thousands Walk Out In London

Thousands protest as conflict begins

An estimated 5,000 demonstrators, the majority of them schoolchildren, thronged the streets to voice their anger against today’s US air strikes on Iraq.
The protesters were responding to a call by the UK anti-war movement for workers and students to stage a mass walkout from offices, schools and colleges.
Describing the outbreak of hostilities as a “day of shame”, the Stop the War Coalition said that it hoped to draw on the public feeling that saw more than 1 million people take to the streets of London last month.
Stop the War spokesman Andrew Burgin said: “We call upon the people of Britain to act today in support of peace by walking out from work, school or college to join protest meetings and peace demonstrations in their community against this unjust war.”
…Flordete Iveson, 18, who attends Latimer School in Edmonton, north London, said: “We don’t want our name associated with this war. Our government doesn’t care what we think. I don’t think I have a right to speak out against the war unless I’m here to protest.”
In Cambridge, around 300 demonstrators stopped traffic during a sit-down protest and formed a “ring of peace” around market stalls.
Sara Payne, the co-chairman of Campeace, who was with her two-year-old granddaughter Dorothy, said: “We have consistently opposed what we see as this illegal attack on Iraq: it does not have the authority of the UN.
“The UN was set up to protect future generations from the scourge of war. Tony Blair is a war criminal.”

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More Naked Peaceful Women In Australia

More naked Australian women

Naked demonstrations are becoming a regular event for Australian women.
Some 450 Australian women were recently in the news over plans to hold a naked rain dance and more recently, another group of 300 Australian women have staged a war protest in the buff on a Sydney sports field, where they spelled out “No War” with their bodies.
Anti-war nudity may be catching on: some 300 men and women also got naked for peace in Santiago, Chile, where they stripped in a public park over the weekend, and several hundred Australian men spelt out “Peace, man” with their bodies last week in NSW.
Several of the weekend’s Chilean protesters, presumably clothed, were later arrested following a march from the park to the presidential palace.

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