Category Archives: Adventures In Hacktivism – March 22, 2003

Protesting Continues Around The World

Tens of Thousands of Antiwar Demonstrators March in Manhattan
Anti-War Rallies Ricochet Across World (look’s like this link may have already gone bad. click here and go to the bottom half of the page) to see the article that was posted earlier on ABC. Looks like it’s already been reprinted in Malaysia, for instance.)

In a third straight day of protest, hundreds of thousands massed in front of US embassies and in city centres, branding US President George W Bush and his allies, Australian Prime Minister John Howard and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, “terrorists” and “war criminals” for sending troops to fight the Baghdad regime.
Europe at midday picked up speed in protests that reportedly drew several hundred thousand people in London; 30,000 in Berlin; 20,000 in Amsterdam; and thousands in Athens, Copenhagen, Paris, Stockholm and Vienna, including a record-breaking 20,000 in the Finnish capital Helsinki.
Asian rallies drew outraged outbursts from militants, chants for peace by Buddhist monks and several groups who burned a Bush effigy.
In the Middle East tens of thousands wished “Death to America and Great Britain” and denounced Arab leaders for not defending Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein from attack.
In Jakarta, the capital of the world’s most populous Muslim nation, 3,000 protesters picketed in front of the US embassy before moving on to the nearby British embassy.
The crowd, which included many women, carried a coffin to symbolise the death of the United Nations.

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